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Status Updates posted by HarryChimp71

  1. RT Another Obama success story...NOT! @Drudge_Report: Man accused of selling bogus energy credits... http://t.co/D5qqqMyS

  2. RT One of the most ridiculous govt programs ever! @Drudge_Report: SF to unleash puppies-for-panhandlers program... http://t.co/JPEQVfkS

  3. Good to know that #JoeWest can waddle around and get in position to make the correct call at 2B. #Angels

  4. RT Only way Blue can bring a championship trophy to their fans. @dylanohernandez: The #LAKings will (cont) http://t.co/2DcvCLBO

  5. Bring on Lord Stanley. GO KINGS GO http://t.co/boCMoXLO

  6. RT ELL OH ELL @kjjfish: Anyone who calls North Korea a threat to the world's safety has not seen Amanda Bynes drive. #BOOM #LOL #KJiddyRulez

  7. RT #Apple = Litigation over Innovation @TalkAndroid: Samsung Responds to Apple's Latest Infringement Allegations - http://t.co/oxkdHCMA

  8. RT A-Holes! @phandroid: #Apple seeks injunction to delay Galaxy S III in US, Samsung says launch will go as planned http://t.co/JfdNhcT7

  9. RT So liberals must bathe daily? @kjjfish @DennisDMZ: Wow...Bloomberg just outlawed the scent of urine near the Port Authority Bus Terminal.

  10. RT Bring your brooms to Staples! @LAKings: Game 4 will now be on NBC! No more complaining!

  11. RT Blame Apple since she sent it from her iPad @Drudge_Report: School boss sacked over her exchange (cont) http://t.co/bpVnmufa

  12. RT After watching #Hatfields&McCoys series, I can understand why this needs to be posted. @kjjfish... http://t.co/s6hgCnKL

  13. RT Good reason to remove reproductive organs. @Drudge_Report: Mother arrested after forgetting baby on roof of car... http://t.co/1U8RiBr5

  14. FoxFi - Turn Android into free WiFi Hotspot (no root) http://t.co/e21Sc84M via @FoxFi_Android

  15. RT A TrumBOMB @Angels: estimated distance on Trumbo's HR is 443 ft

  16. RT #Obama shows Harvard brilliance @Drudge_Report: Poles Demand Obama Apology For 'Polish Death Camps' Comment... http://t.co/jQ7HPvZi

  17. RT The Anti-U.S. Network @Drudge_Report: MSNBC Host Issues Apology for Saying 'Uncomfortable' (cont) http://t.co/0ZZHc41t

  18. Fernando #Rodney no like this tweet. RT @kjjfish: #MLB needs to ban flat bill caps. They look horrible.

  19. Sucha patriotic 1st lady, NOT Michelle Obama's "All this for a damn flag" shown at three different speeds: http://t.co/cONlvJsS via @youtube

  20. RT While #TAXPAYERS foot #MOOCHELLE'S travel costs.@Drudge_Report: Michelle Obama to catch Beyonce in Atlantic City... http://t.co/66lMWLDE

  21. Looking like the #Kings will meet another Hall of Fame goalie for the Stanley Cup.

  22. RT The ladies must be impressed. :-) @kjjfish: Still up

  23. With #Disney increasing prices AGAIN, they lost my family of four pass renewal.

  24. First, Govt Motors says NO to Facebook ads. Now, no Super Bowl ads. Sounds like a company in dire straits. What a waste of taxpayer $$.

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