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    Samsung GS3 (TW custom ROM)
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    4G Information

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Member Level: Analog (3/12)



  1. Sprint has 2 of the small white boxes behind the panel right? If so, I saw them being installed on the tower at Cypress Lake and Nebraka ave around 11 this morning.
  2. I want to say around Armenia, but I need to head back that way in an hour so I'll make sure to map. probably just the bearss and 275 tower. as far as as the service, I was able to make calls around noon thenI was in class, but the 3g was extremely slow.
  3. I was running sensorly and had 4g on Busch but my phone died before I hit stop so I don't know if it will send the report.
  4. I guess it is possible to pick it up from the Bears and 275 tower.
  5. Then I would get signal on that side of campus, oh joy! =P
  6. Here is a speedtest I took while sitting outside ISA. . I took a few more when I had a better signal and it ranged from 2-5mbps, but the upload stayed very low. Today is my Birthday and Sprint gives me LTE on campus. Thanks Sprint!
  7. I reported my trip to sensorly, should be up soon. I first noticed it outside ISA building at USF and got it on Flecher to nebraska up to about when Dale marby meets nebraska
  8. getting lte around usf. mapping now.
  9. I noticed this from around waters and nebraska as well.
  10. well I went to the 8th floor and didn't get a signal.... until I started driving down. popped up for a second then died before I could start sensorly again. I drove toward 75 and got nothing and the same goes for Nebraska abs waters. but all around usf my phone would drop 3g and try connecting to 4g but the signal wasn't strong enough. I did get 1 point on sensory on 4g, but I don't remember where and if 1 pointis enough for it to map. where is that signal coming from? ? edit: it's from the parking garage, sensorly updated.
  11. Switching to CDMA will not allow the phone to use ehrpd which I don't think is a fair test. I sometimes will get different speeds on EVDO compared to Ehrpd and I have yet to figure out why.
  12. that's what I was thinking. I'll see what I can get on the top floor of the beard parking garage which is slightly taller.
  13. I'm going tomorrow so I'll run sensorly on my trip there and see what I pick up. I take 41 down to flecher.
  14. I see an LTE hit on sensorly at USF. I was there today in that area but didn't notice any LTE. I find it hard to believe that it once again came from LoL.
  15. On Sensorly I see strong LTE on the causeway to Honeymoon island. Looks too strong to be that far out imo.
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