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Posts posted by bkco14

  1. No matter how long it's takes I'm either going to buy an evo LTE or gs3. Right now I'm on 3g 95% of the time any how and at least I know this time the rollout will be done right being that sprint learned from their last rollout.


    Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2


    The problem I have is that we have been living with sub 80kbps data speed here for a year. Plus our area is not scheduled to get NV until sometime next year. I don't know how long I can wait and I don't think I have 100% trust that Sprint can work this out (it is Sprint after all ;-) ).


    I am nervous about them only using 5x5 where VZW is using 10x10. The reason I am nervous is because Sprint said that with their subscriber base, the 5x5 will be fine since they have 50% the subscribers that VZW has. But, if Sprint gets their speed to come close to VZW and they are still offering unlimited data, then don't you think people will flock in droves to Sprint? And if this happens, wouldn't their network start creeping to a crawl again like it is now? Which leads me to believe that the unlimited will be a thing of the past once their subscriber base starts to grow. And since Sprint is notorious to not grandfather people into old data plans; they need to change their plan if they want to activate a new smartphone, I don't feel comfortable that I will get to keep their unlimited data. And then for all the support that people showed by staying with them through all the bad times, due to the potential silver lining by 2014 and unlimited data, I think they will reward us with tiered data.

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