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Everything posted by BrianBaker1981

  1. @xSTiCKFiGAx @CrazyJuan77 @atombombbaby420 Very good times everyone...welcome to the grind house @atombombbaby420

  2. @xSTiCKFiGAx @GamerDaveyG I was starting to enjoy working harder for cars..Double XP all of the time will just make… https://t.co/mZgjSyW6jE

  3. @Lady_Fox_Fire Same happened to mine..bought a new elite last week.

  4. @XboxQwik 1080 will have to do for 5 weeks until the beast is unleashed. Them I'll sell my 1080 and call it a day

  5. @Dealer_Gaming https://t.co/p5cOCbg0wf

  6. @XBot448 @Crypt_Concepts @TheDon_KTR i may hop in in a moment. after I wipe my tears away about Forza 7

  7. @MrKrisSteel im leaving FL F this mess

  8. @Mcellis15 @SOUTHBOUND110 Wife and I had a kid 3 years ago.. was about 12K

  9. @tomsorrells this storm should be nicknamed Coast Rider..seems to only ride the coast lines of large land areas to maintain its punch

  10. RT @Weerd_Science: How could the Red Sox be so bad last year. Unload most of their "star" players and be so good this year. Mets F.O. pleas…

  11. RT @joshusmoke2much: Lost all respect for Maywhether after seeing him dodge Pacman for 5+ years - @BrianBaker1981

  12. Hell when im navigating in google maps on 3G and a call comes in I can still hear the directions in the ear piece while in a call even though i have no data connection.
  13. Fuck you @YouTube !!! Can't ever watch videos without buffering all the time

  14. Hank Schrader IS NOT FUCKING AROUND #BreakingBad

  15. RT @TheMorningEagle: @DanielDennis free at last free at last, thank god almighty I'm free at last! #worstfirststatmentforzimmermanafterverd

  16. Yup..that seems to be their go to reply these days..No matter what if it's signal related they says it's because of resent network vision upgrades being done on a near by tower..it's such BS and most people actually believe it.
  17. does adjusting to 5 have an ill effect on battery life?
  18. I couldn't resist and I couldn't pass down this deal.. Some one was selling the HTC One on craigslist for $425(already a great deal)..Sold him one of my Evo LTE's($175) and got his one for $250..Don't know why he was looking for an Evo so bad but the ESN is clean on this HTC One and its been in service and running now for the passed 4 hours..So im back on the One and my upgrade is still intact and i didn't have to extend for another 2 years..I can prob. deal with the 4G issues I was having a little better now.
  19. Ok so I'm pretty sure a monsoon just came through #Apopka. I have a river on my back patio.

  20. Yeah. Phone has been in a case since hour 1 of owning the device. I've also tried with out the case as well. I tried everything I could to be able to keep the One and today is my 1st day back to work with out it and although I have better 4G coverage with this Note 2 I'm kind of over it ya know.
  21. Well,i had to return it...I'll keep my eye on better LTE coverage in the state(maybe the next 4-5 months) and pick up the One again..Such a fantastic phone and can't wait to hopefully use it again..Until then im stuck with this Note II which now feels gigantic again after 8 days with the One.
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