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  1. About 60 ave n 11 st northwest in Miami. Near the airport. I wonder if range will be a problem till clearwire steps in
  2. There's a tower 3 miles west of me that is definitely broadcasting sprint lte. But I can only connect when I'm about a 1/4 mile away. Is there a reason for the short range?
  3. The number of volunteers was pretty low. So even with them back i wonder what else could be holding them back. I wonder if its money and parts?
  4. I wonder if its the same source I get mine from. The group that was sent up north to repair the downed towers after the hurricane should be back in two weeks. But I wonder if that will be enough to ramp production up here in south Florida.
  5. At this rate. I doubt south Florida will hit be complete till the summer at least. Hopefully the build outs take off.
  6. Any one have any idea when the MIA airport area will be completed? I got no info using my works software
  7. My guess is about two months. Its just a guess though. How long ago did the last lte tower go up? It seemed as if south Florida was moving at a rate of about 2-4 towers a week a bit ago.
  8. I have a sgs3 but no. I didn't use sensorly. As soon as I got off 88th going west and passed the T-Mobile store lost 4g
  9. My drive on the palmetto south was chock full of lte. From the dolphin all the way to 88th street sw. Speeds fluctuated from 3mb-8mb downloads. Oh about 1900mhz penetrating powers. I was in malls of america. From the food court all the way to Ross. Lte was strong the whole way through.
  10. No lte near the airport yet. I took a look at the closest tower. Panels definitely look outdated. Also, the sprint tower on 12th ave near the hospitals isn't broadcasting lte either
  11. Could be construction of his home or maybe the signals just not broadcasting at full range. I noticed lte dropped about a mile away. Considering there were no obstacles in the way, I thought that was weird.
  12. The WiFi inside of corporate stores are slow because of all the devices connected to them. N they r driven by the repeaters. I instead rely on my own connection via tethering. This way its a bit faster. Otherwise my store visits would take a bit longer.
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