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Status Updates posted by KingBeevr

  1. .@realDonaldTrump Trying really hard to remember a recent moment where I heard an outcry over the state of our… https://t.co/eSzq1nwR4e

  2. @CNNSotu @jaketapper @davidaxelrod @mmckinnon If they aren't both wearing those exact suits, you're not doing Sunday morning news right.

  3. @ezraklein @ScottDaniel Nope. I've done it 3 times myself - not even so much as a sternly-worded warning.

  4. @AndyRichter But was there any collusion? That's the real question.

  5. My week on Twitter ?: 18 Mentions, 26 Likes, 1 Retweet, 110 Retweet Reach, 14 Replies, 45 Tweets. See yours with… https://t.co/ScYzFnEeJa

  6. @bradleytansley @kim_lakin @truckerbob3007 @phantom_angel21 @KayMathers1 @PressSec Again, I'm well aware of bankrup… https://t.co/95yuHACFS0

  7. My week on Twitter ?: 38 Mentions, 114 Likes, 5 Retweets, 3.48K Retweet Reach, 11 Replies, 23 Tweets. See yours wit… https://t.co/ojQrKx4y4I

  8. @EWErickson Good. It's good to see kids doing some actual thinking about actual things. Don't shit on him for havin… https://t.co/jbNMv0aCLP

  9. @em_rochefort @jaketapper The best part is that it says POS at the end. Not that @jaketapper is, just that the draw… https://t.co/PmZF7NKUnC

  10. You will undoubtedly ask yourself "Did he really say this? There's no way a man running for the United States Senat… https://t.co/bZEomvukOo

  11. @jfd1965 @baseballcrank @ComradeArthur @jaketapper I am really upset that this only has, now, 11 likes.

  12. .@adamfgoldberg Hey man, what the actual F? I'm a few episodes behind, enjoying some soup on a cool SoCal evening a… https://t.co/rwDXDdLhMl

  13. As a @dallascowboys fan I'm glad to see @steelers beat @packers the way Dallas got beat in the playoffs. Because I'… https://t.co/aTED7uWgBc

  14. @jaketapper I like you Jake. I like you and that bird on your shoulder a lot. And the pics of the dog and the niece… https://t.co/TkPZPcr8r4

  15. @AndyRichter @brokeymcpoverty I keep liking this but it only shows once... I also have approximately 8749 napkins in my center console.

  16. @senatorshoshana @jaketapper Really? It's all of the unnecessary parentheses that are really boyhering me. I mean,… https://t.co/xoi1H9nDym

  17. It's true - you DO learn something new every day. Case in point: candy corn will catch fire if you throw it on real… https://t.co/iK8DaMLboj

  18. My week on Twitter ?: 2 Mentions, 2 Replies, 7 Tweets. See yours with https://t.co/gCUawWIDOe https://t.co/HpV8VNFTzf

  19. @realDonaldTrump @PacificCommand @FLOTUS I appreciate you ruining traffic for hours. My vacation is better because… https://t.co/XREstqQ0Km

  20. @ZigFracassi What the... WHAT!?!?

  21. @mdrndad It's been eleventy billion degrees in SoCal this week. I'm jealous.

  22. @TPCarney @EWErickson Any specific part you want to tell us about, or just literally everything in the article?

  23. @NFL Listen, it's a pretty dumb rule. Also, Dez caught it.

  24. My week on Twitter ?: 5 Mentions, 10 Favorited, 1 Retweet, 22.8K Retweet Reach, 3 Replies, 33 Tweets. See yours wit… https://t.co/m5TQpuElYt

  25. @cristinapalumbo @SIRIUSXM @SiriusXMComedy It's not enough. But fiiiiiine!

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