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Status Updates posted by KingBeevr

  1. RT @Christian_Racin: An epic stare-down. @NASCAR vs. @NCAACWS Does @BubbaWallace have what it takes? https://t.co/83R39Mxttb

  2. @BennyBOOOOO1 @carverbecsha @micah_tehe @CadenJessee @realDonaldTrump Never underestimate the damage a very small g… https://t.co/SOLFc11naf

  3. @RichEisenShow @richeisen @SI_PeterKing Draft 2 football players.

  4. @msaenz777 @jhb430 @realDonaldTrump What complete bullshit. Trump & his supporters were adamant that Mexico pay for… https://t.co/3gbA2YcVMZ

  5. RT @SethAbramson: CONFIRMED: That one time Trump was "tough" on Russia was 100% pure, uncut BS and he was hoping you wouldn't notice. https…

  6. My week on Twitter ?: 28 Mentions, 5 Mention Reach, 8 Likes, 14 Replies. See yours with https://t.co/gCUawWIDOe https://t.co/jpugERgoya

  7. @SoFlBigDog @stephenkettler @MikeSilver Would it be the Lord? or The Lord? I feel like he should get caps on the "the" as well.

  8. I think I just ate my 11th piece of bacon this morning. #naptime

  9. RT @noonanjo: Putin: “would you like some te—“ WE’RE GOOD THANKS https://t.co/hAag3ePzIG

  10. @TheWildcaster @ryan_finley No. Too soon.

  11. @TheBluto @JerryDunleavy @EWErickson @Marina_Sirtis @DLoesch Well, here's her response. Plus, she's been discussing… https://t.co/sg0J43wBRT

  12. @Shamira7 @SciTechRangers Yes... Linda Carter as Wonder Woman..... gotta go!

  13. Cloak and Dagger https://t.co/FlXGuzMrUR

  14. @lv_teacher @trojoan1963 @BusinessLawGuy @TrojanSuzanneR I just can't keep up with the news today. It's exhausting.

  15. @realDonaldTrump Sounds like someone is mad that he actually won the election...?

  16. @TheDuckman22 @dan_pacillo Calm down, it was on his way to the golf course. Literally. He's golfing this weekend.… https://t.co/uNHmmfyxNC

  17. @JohnRossBowie ____________'s reputation or ____________'s career or ____________'s ____________.

  18. @molly_knight This is bottom of the barrel journalism to equate these things Molly. One guy grabs them "by the puss… https://t.co/ONndaus5mb

  19. @_Fake_Patricia @SFHCommish_1 People... his twitter handle is, literally, FAKE PATRICIA

  20. @baddbart @realDonaldTrump @FoxNews Agreed. Republicans and Democrats aren't really conservatives or liberals. They… https://t.co/zYiLnWu7EB

  21. @ghansen711 But can they keep building on it? That's the question.

  22. @Maleandproud @FastFM @CNBCnow I'm well aware that people are laid off every year. You imply these are normal post-… https://t.co/0q0EHdbDAX

  23. @pattonoswalt Every part of that is disgusting and ridiculous. You know damn good and well by the time the 3rd Mat… https://t.co/V7dO45uC9e

  24. @MarthaPlimpton What if I pay the elephant directly?

  25. @Burning4Buddy @Education4Libs What a horrible and shameful thing to say. You think members of the military would s… https://t.co/I41aqFPoMZ

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