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Posts posted by Samappz

  1. Do you guys think Sprint has already done testing in clearwire markets to adjust their native towers when clearwire towers go down in order to optimize coverage and speed in the gaps, or will this begin after the clearwire service goes down. I am worried about severely degraded service for months as they take their time to make resulting adjustments in all the clearwire markets.

  2. When Sprint did the 800 MHz iDEN shutdown it went down to the very last second.  Now with iDEN they had plenty of redundant iDEN sites due to the range of 800 MHz so some of those were shut down earlier but with 2.5 GHz it would be very apparent if your local Clearwire tower went down.


     So yes I expect Sprint to do the same thing with Wimax as they did with iDEN.  Keep in mind that there are Clearwire retail customers that still pay and utilize the Wimax network so they are already getting the brunt end of the stick by having the network shutdown.  Last thing they need is to have Wimax shut down prematurely.

    Thanks for explaining that. I wonder what happens if they are not able to make their deadline and still leave the clearwire towers running after the deadline due to tardiness.

  3. Is sprint waiting until the last week/day to tear down the clearwire equipment or has it already begun? It seems in the so-cal area in heavily clearwire areas, nothing has really changed and I still connect to clearwire all the time.

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