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Posts posted by A30N

  1. Including used phones purchased from Swappa or CL?


    Yes, I swapped my crappy Evo 4G LTE for an Galaxy Nexus a year ago on Craigslist, and I had Asurion send me a new Galaxy Nexus last week after it stopped working. It cost me $150 plus the $10 I paid per month for a whole year, bringing the total to $270. Not worth it, in my opinion, but It would make sense for a more expensive phone in the short run.

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  2. If the Nexus 5 does not come out on Sprint, I will wait until my contract expires and go to T-Mobile. I love my Galaxy Nexus, I love the ease at which I can remove bloat and streamline the UI, and I love the developer community and support. I shudder when contemplating the over-complex features and UI of Touchwiz, Sense, etc. I must have Android in its purest form!!!

    • Like 2
  3. The only thing that I'll be surprised about from this article is if this phone indeed gets offered with 8gb as the baseline. That would be insane in my opinion. Minimum should be 16 at this point.


    My aging Galaxy Nexus has 32GB internal memory, so I feel that should be the minimum! lol

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  4. That link was basically saying that because they're supposed to launch at the same time we think ubuntu might be on the Nexus 5. Also, I think what Canonical meant by being available on the nexus first was simply that it'll be much easier to put ubuntu on it, so that's where they're going to start.


    Yeah, they had some experimental builds on the old Galaxy Nexus, but it was buggy as hell and all the apps were unfinished.

  5. Did you ever compare the two side by side for actual signal strength?


    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 4


    Not side by side, but I wrote down the signal strength and location of 3G and LTE on my Evo, then when I traded for the Galaxy Nexus, I compared it to my notes. Blew the frickin' doors off the Evo! Just for an example, I took the bus and train 45 miles to trade for the Nexus, and on the Evo, I got LTE 0 times. On the way back with the Nexus, I got LTE over a dozen times. Stock rooted on both the Evo and the Nexus, not custom ROMs. 


    Edit: Thought I should post a link relevant to the Nexus 5, being that's what this thread is for: http://www.phonesreview.co.uk/2013/09/22/nexus-5-and-ubuntu-connection/

  6. If the Nexus 5 is released on Sprint, what are the chances that going forward future devices will also be launched on Sprint? I don't want a redo of the Galaxy Nexus on Sprint and then Nexus 4 being absent. I think the HTC One is my last HTC handset. 


    The Evo 4G LTE was my last HTC device. The LTE radio was garbage, and wouldn't pick up even when I stood underneath the tower. Traded it to some kid on craigslist for an older Galaxy Nexus, which I'm still using, and picks up LTE just fine.

  7. Why are people so enamored with the power/unlock button on the side of the handset?  Keep it on top.  There is nothing wrong with that.




    I have had 3 HTC phones and 3 Samsung phones, honestly its a bit easier to hit the side button with my thumb than the top button with my index finger, but it's not a big deal.

    • Like 1
  8. I was interested in this device to replace my aging Galaxy Nexus, however people have been reporting on XDA that there is a screen brightness bug that dims the screen 50%. Supposedly the phone dims the screen to prevent overheating, although some have ran temperature benchmarks and found no anomalies. I am definately an AMOLED guy, so I will hold out for a device that meets my needs:


    Dual-core (I don't game or do any heavy multi-tasking, so I prefer a CPU that sips battery juice, and not guzzles it)

    Tri-band LTE (for obvious reasons)

    5"-6" AMOLED screen (I prefer 720p for the text size, but I can manage with 1080p if need be)


    The Moto X has all the right specs, except for the tri-band LTE, what a bummer.

  9. I definitely would not draw any conclusions about the battery from these 3 second videos. People's charging habits differ widely, and this is almost certainly a preproduction prototype. When you say it's connected to Google Services, what do you mean aside from the phone having an Internet connection?


    I didn't draw any conclusions, I am just making some educated guesses based on the small amount of intel at hand. I made the comment about connecting to Google Services after reading comments in another forum that said the phone wasn't connecting to Google Services because the network icon was white, so some people missed the few frames in the beginning that showed otherwise. You can also see the roaming icon in the videos, but what that means, if anything, is beyond me.

  10. I'm just saying it as a comparison, you're right the screen will obviously be the biggest culprit. But the Nexus 7 (2013) has a 1920x1200 resolution screen, but it still has great battery life.


    If the software can reduce battery usage, then the screen should be no problem.





    The larger the battery, the more efficiently the device draws current under load. If you swap out a 2000mAh battery with a 4000mAh battery, you will see more than twice the battery life. The same is if you swap out that 2000mAh battery with a 1000mAh battery: you will get substantially less than half the battery time. 

  11. The smaller battery in the Nexus 7 (2013) outperforms the bigger battery in the Nexus 7 (2012).


    Honestly it's about optimizing the software to take small sips from the battery. I think the Nexus 5 will have great battery life.





    The real gas guzzler is the 5", IPS, backlit LCD panel running at 1080 x 1920. Ain't so software that can reduce that power consumption!

  12. In the leaked video of the Nexus 5, you briefly see that the phone is indeed connected to Google Services, before the bartender starts messing with the lockscreen. Also, it looks like the non-removable battery will be sub-par, as the device has (I think) 2% remaining and obviously needs to be charged. Not sure if its 4:30am or 4:30pm, but if its 4:30am then that's an extra 12 hours of battery life (assuming the device was not charging intermittently throughout the day. In any case, the engineer is an alcoholic (if it's 4:30pm he left work early to start drinking, and if its 4:30am he's been drinking all night long, lol).



  13. Some leaked specs of the Nexus 5.  I find it strange that the Nexus 5 resolution is rumored to be 1794x1080 vs. the typical 1920x1080 resolution.





    The physical panel will be 1080 x 1920, but then you subtract I think 144 for the nav bar and status bar (usable space will be 1080 x 1776). It reports the full resolution to apps however.

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