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Posts posted by A30N

  1. Hopefully all the heavy data users around me upgrade to triband devices.  :P


    In my experience as a freelance IT technician, there is a strong correlation between wealth and bandwidth used. The richer you are, the less bandwidth you consume (wealthy people go to clubs, concerts, go out to movies, etc instead of staying at home downloading TV shows and teh pr0n). So my guess is that the heavy data users near your are too poor to upgrade to a triband device, sorry! 

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  2. Thanks for all your informative posts. I was planning on getting a GN3 this holiday season out of contract, so it would have been doubly crushing to pay full retail and get crippled data connectivity.


    The Mega looks interesting, but a bit ridiculous to use as a phone against the ear, kinda like how hipsters look using iPads to snap pictures at concerts.


    The LG G2 also looks interesting, but I would want to make sure it fully supports custom recoveries and ROMs. I can't stand the bloat that comes with most phones these days, which is why I've clung desperately to my ailing Galaxy Nexus these past few years.


    I will probably wait for the Nexus 5 to release. It seams like it will be the epitome of Android perfection.

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