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Posts posted by ericdabbs

  1. Looks like there is going to be a Motorola X phone coming later this year that is suppose to compete with the iPhones, Galaxy S, HTC One, LG Optimus series.  Hopefully it goes to all carriers and is slated for 2H 2013 release.  What this also means is that if it does come to Sprint, it will most likely be a tri-band LTE phone *woo hoo*.  Not that I would buy a Motorola product this time around due to my bias toward the lack of support on the Photon 4G but I am be happy to see more competition in the smartphone space.

    If Motorola improves on how they treat their software updates, I may come back to Motorola in the future but certainly not in 2013.







  2. Committee on Foreign Investment in the U.S., Bloomberg News reported Tuesday, citing a person familiar with the matter.

      The person told Bloomberg that the CFIUS, Softbank and Sprint reached an agreement after the deal was reviewed.

      Full story at http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-05-28/softbank-said-close-to-national-security-approval-for-sprint.html


    Mr. Ergen must be shaking in his boots.  I wonder what press release he is stirring up right now to downplay this news to be release to the media tomorrow.  The main hurdle still in the Sprint/Softbank/Cleawire merger is the voting approval of the Clearwire transaction on Fri, 5/31.

    • Like 2
  3. Thanks Eric! I initially considered adding some Wimax features, but it appeared to require proprietary manufacturer-dependent code that would be complicated. Plus, LTE is obviously replacing Wimax and I wanted to spend more time in that stuff. To be honest you are the first person to ask for it too :)




    Mike, thanks for clarifying why Wimax was not included in this app.  I wouldn't even worry about Wimax even if it wasn't proprietary dependent code since we need to be forward looking which is LTE.  I am pretty sure I might be one of the few that was wondering about the lack of Wimax support but I was just curious to see how the app would have worked with it.  Hopefully when I get a LTE phone later on this year, I can actually use this app for its intentions of searching for LTE and 800 MHz CDMA :lol:

  4. Mike, I just wanted to say thanks for making this app for all the S4GRU members in providing a tool to help us determine our LTE and CDMA signal strength.  I finally decided to buy the Pro version to help support you and your efforts.  Keep up the good work!!  Besides I hated not having the ability to access the preferences.


    Too bad your app doesn't support Wimax discovery since I still have a Wimax phone.  Can't upgrade to LTE phone until later on this year.

    • Like 1
  5. Enough is enough.


    I've been a Verizon customer for the past couple of years. Since my contract expired last August, I've been wanting to switch to Sprint. This forum has been giving people false hopes for a long time now. I literally waiting from last August through this past weekend for things to settle down on Sprint. I went to the Sprint store last weekend, and the guy is very up front with me. He says, the network migration in the downtown area is just getting under-way and probably won't be done until August of this year in the best case. Not only will that cause an unreliable LTE connection, but it also would mean dropped calls and so forth. His honesty was very appreciated. No doubt, setting up a new cellular network is no small feat. At the back of my mind I knew this transition wouldn't reach a steady state for at least 2 years (based on my industry experience).


    Anyway, enough is enough, so I just went out and bought two Galaxy S4s and stayed on Verizon. Everything works great... the LTE coverage has been immaculate and I have nothing to complain about. For almost the same price I'm on a shared data plan with unlimited talk and text. Also, this includes mobile hotspot, which is an add-on with Sprint. Data-wise, we average


    That was my story and I'm sticking to it.


    *yawn*.....Well good for you. O RLY???? Wat u want..a cookie? Cool story bro. Ill be sure to put my 100% faith in sprint store reps for facts about network vision next time.


    Sent from my Motorola Photon 4G using Tapatalk 2



  6. Is NV in Phoenix only going to be beefy 3G upgrades? Will there never be 4G in Phoenix?


    Silly rabbit..tricks are for kids. Of course Phoenix is going to get 4G LTE. The reason for all the 3G only upgrades maybe that backhaul is not ready in areas yet so alcatel cant sign off on the 4G as good to good. Patience and you shall be rewarded


    Sent from my Motorola Photon 4G using Tapatalk 2



  7. Anyone else notice this on the sprint LTE website under the "4G LTE" section and "markets across the country".  I think this is great and I like this list of cities like Verizon and ATT display it.


    If only Sprint will add a "4GLTE" icon on their LTE phones instead of a "4G" icon that would be great.


    List of Sprint's current LTE markets


    Sprint LTE cities.jpg

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    I wonder if this phone will be a Sprint exclusive like the Photon series.  Also the fact that it will be single band LTE means that I certainly will not be buying this product.  Too bad though...I was hoping that Motorola was going to try to step it up this year by offering a its own flagship phone like the rest of the major OEMs.

  9. You are in the exact same boat as me. I loved moto. Got the Photon, loved it. Then everything needed ICS to be worth a damn. Tick tock tick tock . Moto never delivered. They burned the bridge with me. Just like moto built iden. They done. Nextel. Done.


    Sent from my Galaxy S3


    YES YES YES.  ICS would have done wonders for the Photon 4G.  For one thing the devs with Moto ICS source would have been able to find a way to make stable ICS/JB ROMS with full functionality and 4G Wimax working.  One thing that bugs me currently is that if you unlock bootloader, you lose your 4G.

  10. I thought Sprint was leasing the Spectrum back to USCC until they shutdown their network or the customer transition period completes, something like 12 months


    That could be true.  I just saw that the deal is complete with USCC and I would expect that there would be a transition period given that the spectrum is actively deployed on USCC network.  Also there needs to be some time between the two companies to hand off USCC customers to Sprint.  Hopefully this can be resolved by the end of this year.

  11. I doubt that Samsung or Sprint will release a tri-band GS4 in the fall as that would easily cannibalize GN3 sales as that's the typical time frame for a new GN3. It shouldn't take too much to modify a GS4 for tri-band / dual mode operations as Samsung already has experience with TDD-LTE in their  China Mobile TDD-LTE GS3. 


    Might get surprised by a late summer refresh. Probably similar to how T-mobile has a GS4 HSPA+ variant and then a later LTE variant.


    I don't think it will cannabilize GN3 sales.  The GN3 and GS4 are different phones and cater to different crowds. Perhaps those that have been waiting until October,like I am, are already set on the GN3 because of the larger screen regardless of a tri-band LTE S4 model. 

  12. I know Verizon/ATT were huge and have the power to (do whatever they feel fit). One thing I don't understand is, while GSM carriers embrace HSPA+, why no CDMA carrier embrace EVDO Rev B


    This is one of those long stories that gets repeating many times in the forums.  Maybe someone on this forum will want to explain it.

  13. Sprint Galaxy S4 LTE 2? It would seem kind of awkward with the extra band support and existing customers. I guess we will know for sure in the fall when they actually do release it.


    I don't think it will be called any different than the Galaxy S4.  I am not sure how Sprint will pull it off even if this were true given that they would have to get rid of existing Galaxy S4 inventory without tri-band LTE to make room for the Galaxy S4 with tri-band LTE.  I certainly would not want any Sprint store manager to just stock non tri-band S4's with tri-band S4's and hope for the luck of the draw when I go to upgrade.


    I am still a bit skeptical about it but I know everyone is going to point to Samsung's S4 announcement in March about FDD/TDD dual LTE support models coming later in the year (aka Fall time frame) so it must be coming.

  14. Well they only mentioned tri-band phones from LG and Samsung, but that doesn't necessarily mean we won't see a tri-band iPhone. We all know how closely Apple guards this info. I'm disappointed they didn't mention Motorola though. 


    To be honest, I have been very disappointed in Motorola high end phones thus far.  I wouldn't be surprised if they flop the next Sprint LTE phone since Motorola seems to only do well with Verizon.


    As a Moto Photon 4G owner myself, I was initially excited for the phone which is why I got it but the lack of software updates and the failure of Motorola to provide the Photon 4G with ICS upgrade has really rubbed me the wrong way.  Heck the Photon Q 4G LTE just barely got Android 4.1.2 in May 2013.

    • Like 2
  15. Didn't they already have the support of Comcast, Intel, and Bright House at $2,97?


    They do but Sprint felt the need to include that statement that those 3 companies are still on board and aligned with the Sprint deal at $3.40 to Clearwire investors in hopes that they will enough votes over to approve the deal.  I think its more of a public relations thing to show that not only Sprint and Clearwire are in favor of the Sprint deal but a group of minority shareholders that make up 26% of the vote are also in favor of the Sprint deal.


    I mean why would Comcast, Intel and Bright House say no when they will get more money.

    • Like 1
  16. I don't know that they've ever (at least in recent history) had to enable new bands. It seems unlikely that they would shaft everyone buying an S4 now. They will probably only do the Note 3.


    I think Robert said in the link below that a release of the Galaxy S4 tri-band LTE model will be coming in the Fall.


    Post #5222


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