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Posts posted by ericdabbs

  1. You would think they would have planned for this when buying G block compatible antennas and RRUs, they had to know this was coming. Something like swapping out the 1900 RRU or just updating the firmware?


    i would think so as well but the argument about having the appropriate filters and such to support the H block power restrictions comes into question as to whether the current 1900 RRUs are able to support it.  Its really the 5 MHz of downlink frequency that is not currently supported by the 1900 RRUs.


    The problem with swapping out the current 1900 RRU is that you spent all this capex on these expensive 1900 RRUs only to take it down a 2-3 years later or in some cases just 1-2 year if you are a 4th round market and not to mention the permitting and manpower required to install these new RRUs is time consuming.  I just hope that the 1900 RRU can be FCC recertified via a firmware update...*crossing my fingers*.

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  2. Just checking to make sure my math is right in my calculations.  I'm currently on the Everything Data 1500 min shared plan that has 2 lines.  I get a 20 percent employee discount, so currently my charges (before taxes and fees of course) come out to 127.99.  Under these new plans I figure it would be (50 + 40 +  30 + 30) - 12 (new employee discount from data charges) which would put my bill at 138.  Are my calculations correct that I should just stay at my current plan?


    If I were you, I would stick with your current plan as long as you can unless you consistently need to use more than 1500 mins. Do we have confirmation that the employer discount is on the data plans?  Also is the employer discount only on the first line or is it on all lines.    I just don't think these new My Way plans are advantageous for multiple lines at this point.


    The only good thing about these new My Way plans is that it gets rid of this $10 Premium data charge confusion that still infuriates customers who never got Wimax or any LTE currently.  The plans keep make it clear cut especially if you come from Verizon or ATT who have similar plan layouts.

  3. They are planning on using PCS for LTE also and iphone 5, for example, already supports Band 2 (PCS). I think the AWS gained will, as AJ said, give them scale in terms of equipment purchases, but PCS is not any less valuable for LTE than AWS long term. Short-term, AWS is more valuable because it's not being used for HSPA.


    I understand that PCS spectrum is still valuable spectrum and will eventually be converted to LTE.  I am just saying if divestitures were required on either PCS or AWS on this deal, I am sure ATT would choose PCS over AWS since they have a decent amount of PCS spectrum holdings already and ATT needs to deploy their AWS spectrum soon.

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  4. This might sound dump but is there any way sprint can acquire more 800smr spectrum? Just curious


    I don't think so at least for a while if ever.  Unless US moves away from 800 MHz for public safety to 700 MHz public safety LTE band, I don't think we will see it for many years.  The good news is that if the entire 800 MHz band could be purchased if it was freed up, the current RRUs and panels can support the frequencies 806-869 MHz.

  5. So is the LTE 800 going to be on a 5x5 MHz carrier or a 3x3? Still unsure after reading a bit in this thread. Edit: also, if it's 3x3, what's the maximum speeds it'll allow?


    LTE 800 should be mostly a 5x5 MHz carrier in most markets except for southeast US which it will use 3x3 MHz most likely.  Markets in the Canadian and Mexican IBEZ will get no 800 MHz LTE or CDMA support.

  6. Yeah I know ATT nor any carrier would make any concessions unless forced by the FCC.  I just hope the FCC puts required divestitures on the PCS spectrum.  I am sure the main reason for the Leap purchase for ATT is that they covet the AWS spectrum so they can combine their AWS holdings to deploy LTE on it.  The PCS spectrum is just the cherry on top.

  7. That's what's possibly gonna happen anyway: FCC might force ATT to divest some PCS. Someone mentioned ATT might require that if Sprint buys PCS, they have to host the CDMA customers.


    I am sure ATT and Sprint can work something out that will benefit both companies.  Sprint needs to acquire more PCS spectrum in general but especially in those 20 MHz markets.

  8. Verizon is smart to start jumping on the RRU bandwagon with AWS spectrum to deploy LTE.  Especially with LTE with the more fragile airlink than CDMA, any small signal losses can help.  I am sure Verizon will deploy RRUs for its LTE refarm of its PCS spectrum in 2015.  I am curious to see if the panels that Verizon deploys only have AWS spectrum or are the new panels going to support 700 and AWS bands.

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  9. Well, technically Spring is leasing the EBS spectrum, it doesn't actually own it. It only owns the BRS spectrum which is about 55.5Mhz in size. And the FCC doesn't count the EBS against them in the spectrum screen either.

    I'm actually fine with ATT buying up Leap, with 2 conditions

    1. Divesting PCS spectrum in any market so that the combined company doesn't hold over 20 or 30Mhz of PCS in any area. (This should NOT be a problem given their enormous holdings in celluar, WCS (future), AWS (after getting some back through this merger) and 700 Mhz spectrum). They have lots of spectrum in a motley assortment of bands.

    2. Divesting cellular spectrum in any market so that the combined company doesn't own more than half of the celluar (850mhz) spectrum. (This should be a condition of ANY merger involving VZ and ATT) I'd like to see it as standing FCC policy for approval of any wireless mergers. There is no reason for any carrier accumulate over half of the cell 850 spectrum in a market. I don't care if they decide to sell it, or swap some PCS or AWS for it as compensation, but we shouldn't be letting any companies monopolize low frequency spectrum in a given market.

    Hopefully divestitures for PCS spectrum are required. Sprint could really bolster some of their 20 MHz markets with more PCS spectrum.


    Sent from my HP Touchpad using Tapatalk 2


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  10. So, I called up Sprint and they confirmed employee discounts now apply to all lines but ONLY to the data portion as was previously posted. So some people will indeed see a bigger savings with the new setup (23% discount is roughly $7 off per line and 20% is $6). I'm still not switching until triband phones are out but if I was on Sprint (rather than Ting) these new plans would be a savings over the old ones for 2 lines.


    I don't think the new My Way plans give a larger employer discount if its going to be just the data portion ($30).  I believe the old Everything Data plans gave the employer discount at the $70 price since it didn't include the Premium Data charge ($10).  So the old Everything Data plans were a better deal.


    I believe Verizon and ATT give the employer discounts for the Share Everything plans at the Talk+Text portion ($40) so even at $40 it is a larger discount than for Sprint.  I don't understand why the discount should be for the data portion.  Oh well.

  11. I am looking at Sprint's website right now for the current available cell phone plans and all I see are these new Unlimited My Way plans.  I thought these Unlimited My Way plans are going to be offered as a separate option to the Everything Data plans and that the Everything Data plans would still be available.  I guess this isn't the case.  I know ATT still offers their old individual/family plans and the Share Everything plans as a separate option.

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  12. I noticed today that Sprint was not being traded on the stock market today under the ticker symbol "S".  So what is the deal now that Sprint is merging with Softbank?  When is Sprint going to be traded on the stock market again and at what price?

  13. I think they will at some point. I hope it will have the stylus like the EVO View. If they come out with it I will sell my HTC one for it, maybe use my dads upgrade haha.


    Rumors are that it will come with a stylus with stylus integration.  Curious to see what HTC has come up with. I really want to see some major competition to the Galaxy Note series.



  14. I'm waiting for the Galaxy Note 3 too, but now I'm wondering if I should go ahead and upgrade now to a GS4 to be safe, then sell it when the GN3 comes out.


    Its up to you.  Either roll the dice and wait for the Note 3 in October OR settle and be safe now with the GS4.  For me I am rolling the dice for the Note 3.

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  15. I was gonna wait for the rumored T6 but then the rumors stopped so I got the One.


    You don't think that HTC will come out with a HTC phablet to compete with the HTC One?  I think they will because they need to come up with 2 flagship phones like Samsung does to compete.  Heck LG threw in the towel last year and produced the LG Optimus G Pro to compete.  Unfortunately its only available on ATT so it hasn't gotten as much feedback as it should.  I think a HTC phablet would be a smart move given that there is a decent amount of the market who seeks large screens like the Note.

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  16. You know, it could be the case that Sprint leaked this and is reading this forum to gauge reaction.

    I hope that it's NOT the case cause I want them to drastically increase prices when their LTE is not even done so millions leave for TMO et al.

    But it could be a test.


    Why would driving customers away be a goal?  That doesn't make any sense at all.  If anything, New Sprint should not be doing anything drastic yet with plans and just focus on Network Vision and Clearwire LTE integration.  New Sprint should not introduce any sort of new plans until 2014 at the earliest.  Trying to attract customers and improve network user experience should be the top priorities of New Sprint.  NOT creating new phone plans.


    New Sprint is now giving a bad perception of a hostile takeover who comes in after a merger and tries to clean house and raise prices to get the business in order.  What New Sprint is doing is essentially a variation of the Share Everything plans on ATT and Verizon.

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