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Posts posted by nobius

  1. Do people seriously want some gaudy logo in their status bar to let them know they're on LTE? "4G" is simple and fully informative.




    I think right now since LTE is "new" for Sprint that people are paying more attention to if they are in 3G or LTE so look at the status bar more. Believe me you don't want flashy screens or icons. My Vibrant had an annoying startup AND shutdown Tmobile sound.

  2. Im from New Orleans and we still waiting for NV, i just wanted to hear from people living in NV cities, how the network has improved? is 4G almost everywhere in the city, what kind of speeds you get, is 3G faster? is NV worth the wait?


    It's in most of the city, but there are still lots of patches of 3G. I average 5MB down in most areas.

  3. I had forgotten about the separated keyboard. I just tried it typing this response and I didn't like it. The keys become too small for my fat fingers and I type in a weird way for some characters, for example I use my left forefinger for the letter "b" but that character is on the right side of the separate keyboard. It's a cool idea though.


    It took a while for me to get the hang of it, but now that's all I use.

  4. The only way I see me getting an iPhone is if the screen size was equivalent to the larger Android phones and if iOS eventually allows greater customization of the home screen without jailbreaking. I like the fact that I an have a very spare layout to my screens and still have access to all my apps in the app drawer. Plus I am partial to Sense widgets. Well widgets period. Audio Manager widget is essential to my daily use of my phone.


    I think I am good with having separate OS choices for the two devices. They perform two totally different functions for me so why not have two separate devices.


    Oh, and the iPad keyboard in landscape is killer. I am two-hand typing almost as well as on a physical keyboard.


    Have you tried the separated keyboard on the iPad (pinch two fingers on the keyboard and spread them out)? I use that more often than the full keyboard and got pretty good at thumb typing that way.


    I think Apple will wait and see what other sizes are gravitating toward before we have a iPhone / iPhone mini scenario.

  5. As much as folks down this device I'm finding it a real pleasure to use. The screen is indeed beautiful ( I'm not saying it's more beautiful than any other device), the form factor works well for my hands and this screen size makes just about everything more pleasurable to do than on my phone or Kindle Fire.


    I'm loving the app selection as well. I don't think I'll ever be an iPhone guy simply because I prefer the android look and feel in a phone but there is no denying that the iPad is a great device.


    If there's anything I dislike about this site, it's the bias some people have about phones. I have an iPhone now, but I came from an Android phone so I've used both. Both are good, so it's a matter of taste and which ecosystem you already have. The more apps you have on one OS, the harder it is to switch. My main issue with Android is the difficulty in updating your phone. It's dependent on your carrier or on you perusing XDA.


    BTW, don't be surprised if your next phone is an iPhone. The integration between the iPad and iPhone is stellar, and universal apps run on both without rebuying. I think the one thing I miss from Android is SwiftKey for its predictive text.

    • Like 1
  6. What the Deathstar DOESN'T tell you is that 3G errr I mean "4G" speeds are throttled during calls! (at least they were on iPhone 4) down to 300 kbps. It was practically useless anyway... Much happier with my Sprint GS3 and full speed surfing on LTE during calls and even full speed SVDO.


    I found this amusing as well.

  7. I have the iPad 2 with Verizon. If you get Cellular, I suggest getting a different carrier than your phone because you then have a backup connection method. The cellular option is month-to-month with no contract so can be turned on/off at any time. Verizon doesn't even charge me taxes. It's exactly $20 for 1GB of data from them. If you get the cellular version, you also get GPS.


    I would get at least the 32GB model, which is what I have. iPad apps can be 500MB-1GB in size, especially games.

    • Like 1
  8. I have an iPad and recently got an iPhone 5. I was pleasantly surprised at how well iCloud worked at syncing all my settings over. I only had to configure Mail accounts after it was finished.


    Just make sure you're on WiFi and alot plenty of time for her iPhone to redownload everything. Took almost an hour for all my apps to redownload.

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