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Status Updates posted by grapkoski

  1. RT @maustermuhle: Big FYI to DC voters: If you’re not a reg’d Democrat and want to vote in June 14 closed primary, deadline to change affil…

  2. Be open to the spirit of exploration and wonder. #LPCourage #EasterWonder - Great sermon by @KarenBrau!

  3. RT @NateSilver538: Stuck on the tarmac for an hour while Michigan State lost. Thought it couldn't get any worse? Then saw this. https://t.c…

  4. RT @acptachi: If for some reason you have not seen it yet, this is the leaked bracket. #MarchMadness https://t.co/8QWRzntbZM

  5. RT @LibyaLiberty: If you're an American confusedly watching the darkest forces of ur nation rally behind a demagogue-maybe u can understand…

  6. Loving my @wmata silver line Operator Spencer. She is the best announcer and operator I've encountered!

  7. Hey @HealthCareGov! How can I report a bug with the employer notification emails?

  8. It is time for @TheDemocrats to ditch @DWStweets and bring back @GovHowardDean. It starts in the States. https://t.co/878Vsl1lG7

  9. RT @WillMcAvoyACN: 7% of the precincts reporting in, and Jim Gilmore has 8 votes.

  10. RT @poniewozik: Did CBS just take out a Super Bowl ad to cancel THE GOOD WIFE?

  11. Sad to see the @TheGoodWife_CBS officially ending. #SB50

  12. RT @Hadas_Gold: reminder: we’re freaking out over 180k people voting. about 235 million poss voters in USA

  13. RT @WillMcAvoyACN: Gilmore now with two votes, statewide. Still 14 votes behind "other"

  14. Hoping @sprint prepared for the @Gasparilla invasion today!

  15. RT @richardbranson: While fuel price is low, even more important to invest in the future with alternative fuels: https://t.co/1CjmXd6pqV ht…

  16. I'm at Whole Foods Market - @wfmmetrodetroit in Detroit, MI https://t.co/oFJZwv8ooU

  17. When did @CNBC become the 'liberal' media? #TedCruz

  18. RT @timkrepp: Has the mayor done that thing where she actually rides the metro and posts a picture of it recently? Might be time.

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