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Everything posted by thedoctor1971

  1. OK, I can see that @ce_murphy is going to be very bad for me. She's already making me not want to get ready for work on top of staying up.

  2. Can't figure out if I've had my duster longer than @HarriedWizard. I'm only a few weeks older than @longshotauthor but I've had it 22 years.

  3. Why didn't anyone tell me @ce_murphy's novels were so engrossing? I meant to be asleep 4 hours ago!

  4. Little short story.. That was somewhat redundant.

  5. Cockneys vs. Zombies. "A gang of bank robbers fight their way out of a zombie-infested London." ok..I'll bite. It's a comedy.

  6. I wonder if @google ever plans to add NCAA football to Google Now results. It's more popular than NFL around here.

  7. OK subconscious, enough with the getting shot at in dreams. This time it was anti aircraft guns. WTF!

  8. Even with how old he is, it's still fun watching Steven Seagal kick ass.

  9. After much searching I finally found someone who was born the same year/month/day as me. Ended up being Jack Black's wife, Tanya Haden.

  10. .@PaulBlackthorne made episode 2 of #arrow. He's going to be a scene stealer even though I keep expecting him to cast a spell.

  11. I've now read this paragraph 7 times. I keep losing track at the last line. "My vagina had just gotten a heartbeat."

  12. There's 43 hours of unwatched TV in my queue. -_-

  13. So, anyone read the "Richard Castle" books from the TV series Castle? Any good?

  14. Also, why was there a kitchen knife on the table if they were only eating ice cream? #arrow

  15. I've figured out that movie.. Endgame. Only 1 movie in the current rotation I can't guess. Lady climbing the side of a cliff is my only clue

  16. Just found that if I imitate the meow of either of my cats, that cat will meow back independently of the other. #catwhisperer

  17. Now its time for a 3am snack before reading.

  18. heh, linkedin has 117 people named Richard Head in the US. Did their parents hate them? Hi, my name is Dick Head.

  19. I just dreamed about washing dishes. That was an entirely unproductive use of sleep Mr. Subconscious.

  20. You've been playing too many video games when you think you should get an achievement for making pb&j without getting any on your hands.

  21. I sometimes call my cat 'rumblebelly' but until I reread some of @r_a_salvatore's books I'd forgotten why.

  22. Debating what mischief to get into this fine stormy evening.

  23. OK, @paulandstorm have officially cracked me up with The Captain's Wife's Lament. http://t.co/NxbTQ95F

  24. crud, have to leave in 3 minutes. Have not finished coffee, shaved or gotten dressed. *rushes around*

  25. Just got woken up by an intense dream featuring kidnappers and hotels and gun chases. I blame @riley_walker13 for mentioning Taken so often.

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