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Everything posted by utiz4321

  1. I am a little disturbed by the "we don't need to blanket the country with 2.5" comments. They do! That is there competitive advantage. They not only need to blanket the country with 2.5 but make sure that in building penatration is excellent in order for Sprint to become a top competitor.
  2. So what does that mean? I thought spark just ment tri band. How could it not support it off the bat? Either it has the three bands or it doesn't.
  3. You don't have to have two lines. You can have just one. In other words 600 mb is 20+25=45
  4. Here is what Sprint offers600 mb 45 2 gig 50 Unlimited 60 They do have lower tiered plans! Not to mention framily.
  5. I think what people are missing in comparing vzw 60 plan with sprints plan is that they are not the same! Unlimited vs 2 gigs why would they be priced the same? If you want to compare Apples to apples then compare sprints 2gig plan with vzw's. Sprint 2 gig one line: 50 Vzw: 60 Now add the cost of a high end phone Sprint 50 +650/24= 77.09 Vzw 60+200/24 = 68.33 If you need only one line and only use less than two gigs Vzw is cheaper.that is the comparison to look at, unlimited data is a totally different animal.
  6. According to vzw that is a promotional price although it's expiration is not know. I think handset subsidies need to go away completely. It's a very anti consumer model that hides the cost of devices.
  7. Sorry that is not correct. Att throttle the top 5 percent of the unlimited data users once they hit 3 gigs of 3g or 5 gigs of lte. But that is not forcing people off unlimited either. The data was still unlimited the speeds changed depending on whether or not you where in the top 5 percent of data users. Further Sprint 's unlimited guarantee included throttling right off the bat with no restrictions on increasing the circumstances when you could be throttled. Unlimited data doesn't mean unlimited data at a given speed, it simply means you can use as much as you want and not pay overages and again no carrier has forced people away from that.
  8. They still didn't force anyone. Handset subsidies are a benifit not something they are required to give people. All removing Handset subsidies did was raise the price of unlimited, it did not force anyone to do anything. Further, Sprint's unlimited guarantee did not say it would always give hand set discounts with the plan, so they could have done the same thing and still been with in the terms of the guarantee.
  9. The unlimited guarantee was always just marketing anyway. No carrier has forced people off unlimited, they have encouraged people to switch to new plans, placed restrictions on unlimited plan, but never forced people off. Sprint 's guarantee never said it wouldn't engage in the same kind of encouragement other carriers engaged in. I just don't see Sprint being the only carrier to force people off unlimited.
  10. I disagree a bit. Mobile hotspot is a great value add. A good T-Mobile rep can use that as a stick to wack Sprint with and get a customer shoping around, especially since T-Mobile is only 10 dollars more for the next year.
  11. Then go with the 600 mb plan for 45. What do you want? If you don't need unlimited this plan isn't for you!.... These are both super aggressive plan sets given where the market is. I have 7 lines on framily and 6 of them are mine so I don't think they make me switch but that doesn't mean they're not aggressive plans. The family share is making me think about it hard as I would like hotspot ability but in the end I think I am going to stay put.
  12. The main problem they have from a marketing perspective is the stagger nature of NV. 1900 lte doesn't allow them to claim "fastest" or reliable lte data. 800 could help them gain the reliable moniker but that won't be available every where and not enough spectrum to make anything more than a patch for where 1900 can't get to. 2.6 can give them the edge in average speeds but unless they are willing to invest hevily in small cells or increase cell site density drastically 2.6 will not have blanket coverage and this will drive down average speeds. So what marketing message is left to Sprint on the network side? The only message they are going to be left with is value, more for less statements. A network message is missing except for "hey this isn't the same crazy network it was three years ago" which is what the newest network is ment to say.
  13. I don't know what longer than usual means in this context. This is the first time that anything like a full rip and replace of an active network in this history of wireless. So, how there can be an usual for this to take longer than is beyond me. If mean it took longer than Sprint forecasted, then your right and that has hurt then and no doubt part of the reasons behind many of the excutive departures.
  14. Unlimted for life guarantee doesn't mean they will offer an unlimited plan forever to new customer, only if you have unlimited data you can keep it. I am starting to think you are purposely misrepresenting these New plans.
  15. Again seems pretty clear to me. Rant all you want but I'll put money on it, name the bet.
  16. It seems pretty obvious to me. Else why the restriction to have one line ready for upgrades or on easy pay?
  17. Yup. Exactly what it says under the question "I am a current customer that signed a two year before 8/22 ...." On the page you link to.
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