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Posts posted by Katt50

  1. I see as of today from sprints web site that Anderson, and Spartanburg are underway with NV and LTE. I'm guessing that Greenville's network is being built as well, or is'nt far behind since Greenville is between both of these counties hear in the upstate. I just hope to have at least NV by mid March since our baby is due at this time. I can share Pictures / video's faster then! :lol: , hopefully no more connection time outs , and no network busy screens. In Northern Greenville we have some of the slowest data speeds! .01down and .28up.


    I hope since Spartanburg, Anderson and Gaffney are being built that we are next. The smaller markets seems to be building fast the bigger ones. Even if you can call Greenville, SC bigger.


    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk 2



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