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Posts posted by Katt50

  1. So far in Greenville i have no 4g and very slow to ok ish 3g data, my fastest 3g since i went back with sprint has been around 0.70mb down and even slower upload. Im ready for 4g, im going to Charlotte,NC in a few weeks for the Auto Fair and hopefully wil pick up 4g to play with it haha. Then back up there for the NASCAR museum and the 4 wide event at Zmaxx. I hope 4g is quick like everyone is saying. Its annoying that Verizon and ATT have there lte in Greenville but Sprint is on 3g :? I love my Note 2 but its kinda embarrassing when everyone's like "omg thats phones huge it must be fast" etc and it takes 10 min to load a page.


    I will warn you that the NASCAR Hall of Fame in uptown Charlotte you won't get much of a signal. Sprint knows about it, apparently it's been there for years and years. And we've never had 4G in Greenville, nowhere in SC got 4G.


    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 using TapaTalk



  2. Anything new going on in the upstate SC? Seems like a lot started and was 3g accepted, now no to very few updates for the past month or so.


    I was told by a Sprint rep that the tower in my area near GHS was updated for LTE services. She said that there was not LTE in the area yet, but what she understood about the process there were updates required to the towers before LTE was available. Especially if they were in a area that didn't have 4G.


    Believe it or not....


    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 using TapaTalk



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