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S4GRU Member
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Profile Information

  • Phones/Devices
    Samsung Galaxy S III
  • Gender
  • Location
    Deerfield, IL
  • Here for...
    4G Information
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akm1104's Achievements

Member Level: Morse Code

Member Level: Morse Code (2/12)



  1. Can't find a ps4 anywhere @frustrated @annoyed

  2. Quick question on the samsung galaxy S 3, does having the phone option that otimizes wifi connection affect the phones ability to detect a 4G LTE signal?
  3. I just got done speaking with Sprint and they mentioned " provisioning " was happening in my area. What does this mean?
  4. According to the sprint coverage map of 4G LTE I'm supposed to have coverage at my house. However this morning no 4G. Why is that. In deerfield some area i have it but my house nothing.
  5. According to the sprint coverage map of 4G LTE I'm supposed to have coverage at my house. However this morning no 4G. Why is that. In deerfield some area i have it but my house nothing.
  6. Today Sprint announced 4G LTE live in Waukegan-Lake County. Does anyone know what cities they mean because Highland Parkb is in Lake County yet no 4G according to their coverage map
  7. I have probably a very basic question I'm sure. Why is it one day i can bring up an LTE signal and somedays at the same spot nothing?
  8. Does any sponsor know how far along Deerfield IL is?
  9. Is the rest of Deerfield getting turned on Friday?
  10. Corner of Lake cook rd and Wilmot rd in Deerfield
  11. I captured this at the corner of Lake cook rd and Wilmot rd in Deerfield.
  12. Ok I work in Des Plaines right now. I live in Deerfield really close to lake road. I have my network settings to LTE/CMDA hopefully I will pick up a signal when I get home.
  13. Where on lake cook rd? I'm in Deerfield near lake cook and I have been only see 3 g on my Galaxy S 3
  14. I am currently in Deerfield, IL which is a part of Lake County and I have not had a 4g lte signal as of yet. I will keep you posted when I do get one.
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