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Status Updates posted by shepmcallister

  1. Does the California school board not act as a counterweight to Texas? You never really hear anything about them. http://t.co/L2eyYYDU

  2. Oops? RT @justingimelstob: Hope you're watching the @AustralianOpen Mixed Doubles final live @TennisChannel on Now! http://t.co/DtyOWQzq”

  3. I’m skeptical. The Mini has small bezels so the hand can grip all the way around. That’d be impossible on the iPad. http://t.co/gQm4RV9v

  4. This could sound weird, but I may actually prefer the iPad Mini Smart Cover to the full–size version.

  5. It's troubling that Wii and Wii U games, due to their systems' unique hardware, will be difficult to emulate. cc @siracusa

  6. Looks familiar. Can’t put my finger on it. http://t.co/7PkL8JKl

  7. Down over 10% now. On record everything. http://t.co/JKNm3ZYW

  8. Remember in 2008 when everyone was speculating about an iPhone Mini? My how times have changed.

  9. From now on, how about an inauguration haiku?

  10. How did Anderson Cooper get stuck analyzing the density of the crowd?

  11. Alex Smith is way too prominent in these Visa commercials.

  12. I’ve never seen a site display this way before on iPad. http://t.co/BEKgEXRO

  13. I know people that end every single email with an ellipsis. Very disconcerting. “Really appreciate it…”“I’ll let you know soon…”

  14. I wish more games did something like this. http://t.co/MoZWZq23

  15. Oh how I wish it had said "sources report." CC @Deadspin http://t.co/lLwTfYGy

  16. Can't wait for the Manti Te'o 30 For 30.

  17. I really, really want a black aluminum MacBook. http://t.co/TrBsLJ8L

  18. Zack Kopplin: “Don’t teach creationism in public schools”Creationists: “Zack Kopplin caused Hurricane Katrina”http://t.co/Hv0jS0zZ

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