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Posts posted by legion125

  1. It may very well be announced in May, but if not I think Samsung may wait until the June/July timeframe. Just trying to connect the dots. I checked and the Olympics don't even start until the end of July and with Samsung promising a big promotion during the games, that may lead it into a fall debut.

  2. This editorial discusses the hiccups or screwups (depending on your viewpoint) on how Google is handling updates for the Nexus line. Although Google has already announced the update for the NS4G, will this type of delay continue once the GNex is introduced and the next version of Android is announced? Tells us what you think?


    Google should have at least had the Nexus S update ready to go within weeks of the official Ice Cream Sandwich release. They should be leading by example, but they're only mirroring what we've been seeing of other manufacturers since the induction of Android. Here we are, four months after the fact, and the few Nexus S owners who were (un)lucky enough to get their update when the first bug-ridden OTA was released have either given up and moved on to a new device or had to install an entirely different ROM just to use their phone.



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