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Posts posted by cortney

  1. Those are some ridiculous fees. I hope their customers start dropping like flies and coming over to Sprint and T-Mobile.


    If there's enough outcry, AT&T could also remove it after a few months. More corporate nonsense. Past example from the king: 



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  2. Now that the  new tmonews.com editor doesnt post daily news about  Tmobile expect the mangetrolls to troll third party sites at a high number.

    Absolutely. Although it will eventually simmer down, the "breaking the rules" nature of T-Mobile will unfortunately make things uglier for longer.


    The only safe heaven to talk about Sprint is this place.

    I appreciate the admins and moderators who run this site. Very few places on the internet are not run like buddy systems or left to chaos. Those of us who have been on the internet for over a decade know this very well. Thank you all.

    • Like 8
  3. (image snip)


    So this image was floating around my feed on Instagram by a few of my followers. I think it's crazy yet kinda funny that there is a "label" based on what carrier you have. To me I don't think there's a "look" or whatever you want to call it because you have carrier x, y or z.


    They conveniently left out "Virgin Mobile" I see.   ;)

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  4. Fabian makes so clear that some deep issues must exist in Fabian's mind based on something, but what exactly that is we may never know. which I seriously doubt we'll hear about anytime soon on S4GRU, or even on T4GRU, where Fabian Sometimes views/posts.


    (Not directed towards you, but in general)


    I'm not going to go too in depth or feed a troll (who already stalks these forums), but it's very clear it's a deep-seated personal issue, whether he/she (gender has never been revealed, will presume from name) or a family/friend got fired from Sprint or something terrible happened with the color yellow.


    I don't see why people feel the need to feed him/her. Why people try to give a troll the benefit of the doubt, when he's probably the one laughing, is stupid. 


    If he'd grow up, then his behavior would reflect the conclusion that he's an excited magenta employee/fanboy that's doubtful about Sprint and hates the bigger corporations' practices, but to see that now is to wear rose-tinted glasses.


    We've joked in the past, but this is my first and last discussion on whatever lost cause is behind that alias, and why he/she/it cannot get over a bad experience with a company, and makes a profession of trolling others on internet forums because of it.


    Simply put: it's chickenshit and lame. Let's move on.

    • Like 8
  5. except AT&T didn't create a site showing updates performed nor boast till it worked.


    Even though it both dates back to updates from 2011 and isn't updated often enough (making it somewhat ineffectual for showing very recent updates), they did... 





    Likewise, if anyone knows of such an update site from Verizon or T-Mobile, please let me or others know. 

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  6. If you're talking about the numbers not looking right my guess is that Excel is changing them, not SCP. Use a different CSV editor or better yet backup the database and use a SQLite program to edit. I'm away from the PC at the moment and don't remember the program I use.


    Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk


    I just checked and confirmed. It is an isolated issue for him, not SC or Excel. I just checked my .csv files generated on a phone running LP 5.1.1 and they show up fine in Excel 2013. One should just bring up the .csv in Excel and convert it to a native Excel file before editing. 




    In your case, maybe backup the .db and try restoring the app. Or, maybe something funny happened with that backup and it was a fluke (close app/restart phone)

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  7. To me, it seems as T-Mobile has given up with announcements pertaining to actual U.S. benefits, especially with their network here. Even some of their supporters on TmoNews and on other sites have been complaining about the lack of updates regarding the 2g upgrades.


    Precisely. The 3G updates are still not done after what? Over 6-7 years? And so, they're going to overlay everything with LTE by... when? They might do good in most cities and a handful of airports, but way too much credit is given when unlike all other 3 carriers: they have far too much 2G remaining.


    Also unlike the other carriers: as of late, they simply gave up with at least the bulk of their remaining 3G upgrades in favor of skipping to robust, delicate LTE which, especially on a mid-band network, should come last. Regarding GSM, every AT&T user here that travels knows that HSPA+ is the saving grace of AT&T's service when density is lacking, or when they haven't happened to have overlayed a tower out of town somewhere with LTE. T-Mobile is not exempt for this reality, and it shows.


    T-Mobile is now claiming to cover 290 Million people with LTE. Where exactly? It's my understanding that to reach this number they needed to have expanded their network significantly however I can say with confidence that in my area T-Mobile hasn't expanded anything.


    I can't comprehend where they come up with these absolutely absurd numbers. I'm guessing with their bs metrics. I mean love or hate AT&T's service, their coverage maps are grossly exaggerated (as with VZW, but VZW does have the decency to mark areas "extended" meaning "probably will drop LTE", making them just slightly less ridiculous). Well, with T-Mobile's maps, they took the imaginary coverage to a whole new level.


    They must be including some POPs covered in Canada/Mexico now  :P



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  8. ExtenzeLTE

    Hmm, I don't know. But maybe we should ask Verizon for another clever yet bullshit marketing term? They are good at that. XLTE wasn't bad at all for the unknowing.


    Maybe ZLTE? Or maybe eLTE would work with say extendedLTE, or XLTE 2.0? Hmm. Or maybe SvXLTE2.1? Super Verizon XLTE Advanced 2.1 with VoLTE Advanced Calling 3.0*?


    I give up.  ;)


    *Please turn VoLTE off to increase call reliability in the many [non-urban] areas where Verizon has holes in their LTE just like any other carrier.

    • Like 6
  9. i was watching my LTE engineering screen today and every time my phone goes idle the band will switch and say its on band 51.... then when data resumes it switches back to the band its actually connected to. it seems like this "switching to band 51" is what causes my phone to start displaying both 1x and LTE. 


    Don't you know? Your phone has a good sense of humor. When it's idle, it makes fun of T-Mobile's CH51 catastrophe.



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  10. Agreed.  T-Mobile's steam is running out.  I'm noticing in many RootMetrics reports that speeds are declining (in a similar fashion as AT&T.)  While Sprint's speeds are often increasing.  T-Mobile doesn't have much more spectrum to spare so they're pretty SOL until somebody with either a lot of spectrum assets or deep pockets (that's willing to invest in T-Mo, at least) decides to purchase them from DT.


    Claure wouldn't say something like that, unless he was sure that removing unlimited wouldn't hinder growth.


    Correct. One thing about the queen of last minute is, AT&T still has a bit of spectrum to still use (PCS and AWS-1, but no one knows the how (much), when or where). This year I've been seeing both deployed, and most of my spottings have been PCS.


    They also seem to be filling in some gaps, so I guess the reality of needing density for VoLTE has hit AT&T like VZW. 

  11. Yes I agree, when I go and vacation I always have to say the city in NY state I am closest to (Rochester) because if I just say NY or even upstate NY people still think NYC. 


    Yeah, they probably think you're from Peekskill or something lol. People's perceptions are dreadfully inaccurate -- it's a city-state to most of the country. If you're in Downstate NY, everyone automatically assumes that if it's north of White Plains or New Rochelle it's just "upstate NY". 


    Then again, being from e.g. New Jersey and going on vacation is not any better, in fact that can be worse.  :rolleyes:

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  12. I really didn't understand why so many AT&T users clung to their unlimited (5GB) data plans. My friend finally switched to the mobile share plan and has more than double usable mobile data available on the newer family share plan for the same price he was paying for his two lines. They should have changed the name of the plan years ago when they added the throttling for data over the cap.


    If they got by with just 5GB, lol. I never had an unlimited data plan with either of the big two. Most unlimited users stay due to idiotic fear or thinking they have an advantage they probably don't have (being most use 5-10GB tops).


    I see a ton of this with overpaying Verizon users (otherwise they keep their VZW unlimited plan to do similar T-Mobile e-penis trolling). 


    Anyways -- Now, they do this:



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