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Status Updates posted by dcplaya

  1. Just got me a #ingress invite!!

  2. I get all the way to work and I realize I forgot to put a polo on over my undershirt. So now I am sitting here looking like a dumb ass

  3. Again I'm in a LTE Ares (Dallas) and my phone connects to LTE but never gets data. What's going on @sprint @sprintcare 

  4. Taking all my friends to their first @GoRomaNet experience

  5. My first ever tweet from 40,000 feet in a plane! Finally got free @SouthwestAir wifi for being A-List Preferred

  6. Apparently I am famous! I am in the line for TSA in Raleigh/Durham and a TSA agent walks up to me and says "Are you on TV or something?"

  7. Fuck back flows in gases and fuck NH3! That shit burns when it touches your hands #ouch

  8. Drinking a Samuel Adams Boston Lager by @SamuelAdamsBeerhttp://t.co/klMTcHt4 #photo

  9. How was this account created so quickly! RT @horsebayonette: I can run fast and stab things. Put me in, coach!

  10. Reddit is down... im bored! The end is here

  11. «@RootzWiki If you are on Sprint RT this and tell us what you have! Make sure to follow for a surprise!» I have a galaxy nexus!

  12. That #LSU hit was hilarious!

  13. Obama on the Daily Show... YES!!

  14. Did @comex really say "iOS hacking 'feels like editing an English paper.'"... I bow down to you sir and I dont even own an iOS device!

  15. Hmm should I have Earl Grey presented by Wolfgang Puck tea or Chamomile tea also by Mr Puck?

  16. «@Hexxeh «@FeIixBaumgartnr I just jumped out of space. What the fuck did you do with your day?»»

  17. So why you going to the airport? Flying somewhere?

  18. The meaning of life unlocked - http://t.co/OAp9AGKJ

  19. Imma take it grandpa style! @t_rex_and_me RT @dfledderjohn: I need to invest in more grandpa sweaters #cozy

  20. Getting my @GoRomaNet fix since I'm in Chicago!! Going with the always delicious meat sauce and spaghetti.

  21. Uhh is @southwestair flying me to sea world without me knowing!!! http://t.co/xmjRdDQa #Shamu

  22. “@Gizmodo The 13 apps you need for a wild night of drinkin'. http://t.co/FAod43gU #HappyHour@T_rex_and_me 

  23. Whatever happened to the CM lockscreen that allowed custom unlock shapes? It was in CM7 but not 9 or 10. Anyone know? I loved that feature

  24. Woot!! RT @fitsnugly: jellybean notifications in plume's 4.56 alpha build!

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