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Posts posted by jegillis

  1. IIRC there are or at least were limits on 'in perpetuity' contracts and clauses.


    At the end of the day theres little recourse beyond hiring a fine lawyer and chasing them over it being a grossly unbalanced contract although that only normally works if one party is in a position to exert undue influence to extract unfair clauses. If someone really did sign a lease for a long term without increments etc and was under no pressure to do so then it's just idiot tax. Unless the law has changed, if it is in perpetuity then it should be limited to X (maybe 20) years after the death of the person signing it.


    As this is the land of the lawsuit : I am not a lawyer and this does not constitute legal advice nor am I entering into any kind of client attorney relationship with anyone.



    Its the rule against perpetuities, all interests must vest if at all within 21 years of the end of a life in being at the time the interest was created.


    *I am not a lawyer I failed the bar exam, this should not be construed to be legal advice for your particular situation. Please consult your own attorney.



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  2. All very puzzling indeed; perhaps Dish thinks it has a better chance getting Spectrum if Clear IS forced into bankruptcy and as a bonus delays if not derails the Sprint rollout of NV; all that makes sense to me is that DISH seems to be very worried that Sprint will succeed with NV thus in the future making Dish and its vision of the future irrelevant; someone above used the term "desperate";that's what this is..

    Clearwire is not going bankrupt, its just NOT happening. Sprint has way to much to lose. 

  3. If that is true that makes even less sense (and I don't doubt that it is true, I just haven't read that yet) since dish would gain clear if their sprint bid is accepted at a lower price if clear was to accept sprint's bid. If dish fails in it's sprint bid all they end up with is a minority position in a company that has a good chance of going bankrupt and seeing sprint trying to pick up spectrum in a post bankrupt fire sell. I am seriously have trouble with just the logic of this move.

    This makes sense if Dish is doubting it's chances of obtaining Sprint (likely). The logic for Dish is that it desperately needs a wireless infrastructure. It has only two reasonable choices Sprint or Clearwire. The purchase of Clearwire gives Dish a spot at the bargaining table and cell towers for at most 3 Billion. I'm sure the first choice would be an agreement with Sprint similar to lightsquared. However Sprint is in a much better position now with no incentive for a hosting agreement for what would essentially be another competitor. 

  4. Dish has removed all conditions that would require Sprint approval and unless Sprint ups its bid than Clearwire will be jointly owned by Sprint/Dish.


    This is a Tender offer so only those that want to sell to Dish have to with the offer contingent on getting as little as 12.5% ownership of the company.


    Hopefully this means that Dish backs out of its offer for Sprint  :fingers:

  5. I have to ask. Are any of you guys that own the One, owners of the EVO LTE. Do we have any opinions yet of the radio. Is it better that the LTE was? I love the look if this phone but I feel like a was sold a lemon with the LTE and likely never to buy another HTC device.


    Sent from my Evo 4G LTE using Tapatalk 2



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  6. You guys are all making some good points. Should I worry about dish buying Sprint?


    A decision on the merger should be made well before November.


    The question to ask in considering the ability to save money is do you keep your phones longer than 2 years? If not you will not see any cost savings.

  7. Never rooted... just never bothered to figure out how. Can't figure out why it's not supported to begin with.


    Because Google has not updated the app yet.


    Never rooted? that means you haven't experienced the bliss of a Viper Rom yet :o

  8. I get the issue when phone is idle by holding with my left hand on the bottom. As soon as its active though it switches to the top antenna and I have great signal again.

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