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Everything posted by tryptx

  1. VZW & ATT both prioritized this low priority area, years ago.. i do understand priority, yet we have multiple sprint stores selling sprint devices, yet the majority of our area has zero service with sprint, i've chosen to stay with sprint years ago even though the compeition is clearly better due to faith in the company to compete.. but its just not happening lol. there has to be more to it than just priority given the fact that other providers have excellent service here. they also officially said seaford, de market would get 4g during the network vision stuff.. I'm more just asking the community if they think seaford will actually get 4g, like within the next few months or year or whatnot.. im still waiting it out, it's just taken way more time than i would have expected in even a worst case scenario
  2. wow, i posted hear over a year ago regarding seaford, de getting 4G.. lol, we still dont have it, though some places nearby do. i now get between no service & 1 bar in my home in town, really a shame. I'm trying to stick with it, but its tough when everyone on verizon & at&t have had 4g for ages in this area. what is taking sprint so long? i understand the issue with backhaul.. but years in the making? also, does the signal being weaker than before, and overall less stable than it used to be mean that they are possibly working on something? going on 3rd 2-yr contract with 4g-capable phones without 4g in my area is there any new news since early 2014? thanks alot!
  3. Dear @RonWyden we need you to be a hero! Please don't betray the Internet. Oppose #FastTrack! http://t.co/ySGWZMC2Js http://t.co/905HRIA3Ab

  4. Dear @RonWyden we need you to be a hero! Please don't betray the Internet. Oppose #FastTrack! http://t.co/ySGWZMC2Js http://t.co/905HRIA3Ab

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