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Posts posted by payturr

  1. How is it possible that on Jamaica Avenue near Parsons Blvd there is LTE, but the minute you step into the Sprint store in that location, LTE dies a quick death. lol 



    Sprint store at Flatiron Building is the same - this is because the 23rd street station right underneath the store has LTE provided by Transitwireless, so the phone loses all services trying to connect to that; it's really sad lol

  2. First blips of band 26 in my hometown of Tottenville, Staten Island! Finally! It's still pretty weak as it doesn't exactly reach out a mile yet, and allows band 25 to penetrate my house. Then again, I live LITERALLY in throwing distance of the tower. Hoping they optimize the tower and turn band 26's range up, love to see this place coated in LTE.


    In other news, had some problems w/ band 41 in midtown the other day at my college. The problem seemed to resolve itself though, despite the fact I opened a ticket for it and haven't heard anything about repairs. Maybe this was a Clear site acting up?

  3. Hello, so I've been doing a lot of research in regards to where in the world PCS Block G came from, and found out that it resulted from Nextel's interference issues with 800MHz. According to the FCC document that discusses this (https://apps.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-04-168A1.pdf), Nextel only gets a 10 year license on this block. Obviously, it's been about 10 years or about to be. Did Sprint actually pay to own the spectrum, or in this license still in effect? What does this mean since LTE is running off the G Block? 


    All answers/comments are appreciated, I'm really curious!

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