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Everything posted by ubahmapk

  1. @smartereveryday @JalenHurts I was rooting for GA, but was very impressed with how Hurts handled himself in the 2nd… https://t.co/3e6RSrO9mx

  2. @dnlongen @USAA @taxfoundation Those were good links. Thanks.

  3. Couldn’t be happier just sitting on the couch “reading” his book... https://t.co/QmIC0BctDu

  4. @chrissanders88 Wow

  5. Awesome!! https://t.co/3YItYSsH1D

  6. What he said. https://t.co/oZu1I1UNzT

  7. @sansforensics @SANSInstitute @MalwareJake Congratulations! Well deserved.

  8. RT @wendynather: No, better cybersecurity starts with fixing your tech so that your employees can use it any way they need to in order to d…

  9. RT @emilyrsutton: The snowy palms of Corpus Christi tell the story...snow isn't supposed to be here! What a rare sight for southerners! Pho…

  10. This. https://t.co/8zqueTWLtY

  11. RT @NASA: If you tried to start a car that's been sitting for decades, you may not expect it to work. But a set of thrusters aboard the @NA…

  12. @ryantrask Betsie + 3 out of 4 of our kids. Youngest isn't old enough to choose yet, but based on past data, I'm su… https://t.co/AnmjDxlMYF

  13. RT @Maustallica: Have you ever thought to yourself "what's the most 90s thing that could ever feasibly exist"? Well, wonder no more. http:/…

  14. ? https://t.co/BRr4bB6Obv

  15. @ryantrask If you need to vent about something, feel free to text me. Otherwise, it sounds like it's a good opportu… https://t.co/IF9S5yjEUP

  16. Undeniably! https://t.co/ckw8zehNQY

  17. RT @alicynx: LOOK AT THIS MADNESS YOUR PASSWORDS BETTER NOT BE ON THIS LIST -- your mom https://t.co/vMy8tj3u0Z

  18. @smartereveryday Oh man. I’m looking forward to this one.... ?

  19. @ryantrask Sounds like a fantastic strategy to me!

  20. RT @Evan_P_Grant: This column from @dylanohernandez is as, Ben said, full of nuanced perspective. It's worth your time. https://t.co/V8vWtp…

  21. Yep https://t.co/ERgiG94mNU

  22. RT @Wh1t3Rabbit: One of these is not like the other... And neither are "safe". https://t.co/tPeH95hBq9

  23. @ShelleyAMoore Well congratulations, then. ?

  24. ? https://t.co/6F6BHhcarC

  25. My toes hurt. https://t.co/rElDO8IlLV

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