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Status Updates posted by nmbr1scoobs

  1. Can someone book me a flight to Cabo for tomorrow? I would appreciate it.

  2. What happens in Cabo, stays in Cabo.

  3. 52 days until Daytona Cup testing. 89 days until Daytona Shootout. 97 days until Daytona 500.

  4. So my mom knocks over my mtn. dew and blames me for it. #MakesSense

  5. Here we go! Last race of the season.

  6. 100 days until the Daytona 500.

  7. 101 days until the Daytona 500.

  8. Wow, NASCAR trucks on dirt next year. O_O rednecks on ice.

  9. Everyone! @AODGames is giving away a FREE copy of Black Ops 2! Click this to see how you can win! http://t.co/TvYNypn4

  10. 2 days until BO2, 10 days until Mexico.

  11. What an eventful race. Fight broke out too. Championship leader wrecked.

  12. obama wonits overgoodbye

  13. Check out my latest electoral map forecast for the 2012 presidential election http://t.co/JCGGupVH via @270toWin

  14. Windows 8 install starting....now!

  15. Ignorant people yelling Obama... Rageeee

  16. O_______________________________O ROmney doesn't help middle class? uh

  17. Debate on TV, Bears game streaming on computer. yay

  18. I side 88% with Mitt Romney... http://t.co/IPWTWU0R

  19. My cat almost took a poop on my phone. OOOO_OOOO

  20. rOMNEY sent me a free T-shirt yay

  21. Define liberal in a political sense.

  22. Wow, if the FED would've actually been bombed, the U.S would've undergone an instant recession. O_O

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