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S4GRU Premier Sponsor
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Status Updates posted by nmbr1scoobs

  1. I just went live in Black Ops II. Check out the live stream at http://t.co/MNeNXs2r

  2. School's been normal with just 2/3 of the people here.

  3. Extra credit on tests because we came to school. :)

  4. In the book of Revelations, it states that we will never know the day and hour of when the end of the world is here.

  5. I made $550 today working a few hour from home Check out now http://t.co/htzYpOgy

  6. Just pulled a 98-42 game.

  7. omg can we stop the 12/12/12 stuff.



    http://t.co/bZX9xfmM ... guhhh I want these special diecast cars. They look amazing.

  9. Memorize definitions of 100 vocab words by Friday. #Everybodyhatesenglish

  10. It seems like every year Chicago teams ALWAYS suck at the end of the season when it's crucial to get to the playoffs.

  11. oh yea it's late start

  12. If getting a new phone due to hardware problems, I'm choosing between the Galaxy S3 or the Galaxy Note 2. #Decisiontime

  13. Pic of Chevy Camaro which is going to debut next year in the NASCAR Nationwide Series. Looks awesome. https://t.co/Q1VS1cAK

  14. 82 days until the Daytona 500. O_O

  15. Got 50% refund on amazon. Chatted with them right now and they gladly raised it to a full refund. Amazon

  16. Un-hacking my phone so that it can be brought into Sprint. >:)

  17. NASCAR > Everything else

  18. I wish it was last week right now. We were checking in for the flights at this time. #Sad

  19. I wish there were only 2 quarters of school.

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