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Everything posted by karmic_shift

  1. Finally replaced the hard drive in my 80GB #PS3 with a 250GB, thank you #Sony for making this process so easy. #fb

  2. So in addition to the #Christmas Gift and Decor show, the gun show is also next door. The Fairgrounds is where its at today. #fb

  3. Good read for anyone who likes to #drink but hates the #hangover. via @gizmodo http://t.co/2fDq1kuy

  4. Suck it #Apple - 949 multitouch #patent tentatively declared invalid by #USPTO via @AndroidCentral http://t.co/GCopUbAF

  5. I just ousted @ijonbrown as the mayor of Lula's Frozen Yogurt on @foursquare! http://t.co/bj5pAVzr


    #Pantone Official Color of the Year 2013 - Emerald 17-5641 http://t.co/ifXLE7qz


  7. Remote Desktop in #Chrome? When will @Google cease to amaze me? http://t.co/Ksgv3t1G


    #RIP to #Cotton, one of the sweetest #Cats I have ever known. He will be missed dearly. http://t.co/NK6wQmAZ


  9. I just ousted @jweeks123 as the mayor of Clifton Neighborhood on @foursquare! http://t.co/UywSl5kR

  10. .@bridgitmendler @aolmusic don't you mean how you ripoff a good song and make it sound like shit?

  11. .@ActuallyNPH this is officially the coolest thing I have ever seen. #MindBlown http://t.co/mQR5EFKV

  12. I need all the pixels! @Sharp #4K Resolution Igzo LCD Display. http://t.co/0HFrvVDG

  13. Whatever happened to @CarbonAndroid. I thought they were releasing soon a month ago? @androidcentral @philnickinson

  14. Is #Warrior out yet, I need more @keshasuxx in my life and soon.

  15. I live on Brownsboro Road, very close to Downtown Louisville and I just noticed mine connected to eHRPD as well. Just a bit longer now.
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