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Posts posted by kct1975

  1. As I mentioned before, I am looking forward to upgrading to the HTC One.


    I tried to do the 'pre-order' online, but both the HTC site and the Sprint site tried to force me to add a new line of service.


    This week I am planning on stopping by a local Sprint owned store, and seeing if they will be able to let me 'pre-order' as an upgrade.

  2. Happy Birthday Robert!


    I echo others comments. Thank you for all of your hard work. While I personally, don't post much, I have learned so much from you and the other members of this great site.


    While, honestly, some of the technical language is a little beyond me, I can say, I have started learning some of that took.


    Anyways, Happy Birthday Robert, and Happy Easter too!

    Thank you for all you and your staff do to make this a Great Site!

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    I have no idea. I've never really gone and checked on Android Central to see if there are any crazy issues from posting on Tapatalk before. It may just be with this site.


    Just FYI...editing post while on Tapatalk seems to only be a problem on this site.


    I use Tapatalk to access two other Android sites, one Random Chat site, and a Football related site, and I don't have problems editing my post on those sites using Tapatalk.


    You will be able to turn zoe one or off. What's nice about doe is you can easily fix pictures if someone wasn't look or smiling at the camera. It can also do stills like what you would see in a skate or surf magazine, like action shots, but on a single image.


    I wonder if the Zoe feature can be set to do the 'burst' photo feature, but not take video.


    Honestly, I have never found a use for the video capture feature on my current OG EVO. Also, captured video takes up a lot of space on the memory.


    As for the Blinkfeed, as long as I can set it to news and sports sites, instead of Social Networking sites, I might find a use for it.

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