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S4GRU Member
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Status Updates posted by BenJDitzel

  1. This website has a "Recycle Your Wedding" section where brides can sell decorations from their weddi http://t.co/NuU6o8KX

  2. ♫ The moon is shining – Caravelli http://t.co/GaCi4v0V #Spotify

  3. I'm at Los Angeles Pierce College (Woodland Hills, CA) w/ 3 others [pic]: http://t.co/HpDs7juD

  4. I'm at La Maison de Ben (Los Angeles, CA) http://t.co/efHFWIfw

  5. I'm at Taco Bell (Manhattan Beach, California) http://t.co/B9c9LBIq

  6. I'm at LA Boat Rentals (Redondo Beach, CA) http://t.co/FRjbfKub

  7. I'm at Grace Community Church (North Hollywood, CA) w/ 2 others http://t.co/HwyP3PGW

  8. I'm at Albertsons (Reseda, CA) [pic]: http://t.co/HAqYSt2q

  9. Joined to a Chevron / minimart area but a really nice clean Starbucks! @ Starbucks http://t.co/XHGJoU6v

  10. Explosion in Encino and brush fires in San Fernando Valley today. http://t.co/qvQ5iPcs

  11. For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God;not as a resu… http://t.co/SqV2B8nX

  12. Trapped here.. Ventura Blvd exploded.. Forest fires have erupted and we're trapped here. (@ Encino Square) [pic]: http://t.co/RpKcGcYN

  13. Fancy Widgets Skin (New Sense) has been updated to sport a glossy fresher interface ! Voilà ! http://t.co/leZeJvbU

  14. My HTC EVO 4G LTE customised design layout! Over the past 2 years I've refined it until I've gotten http://t.co/EfTIMdGU

  15. I'm at La Maison de Ben (Los Angeles, CA) http://t.co/c4iQ7JEL

  16. Tomorrow is a 12 hour day at work. Noon to midnight. I hope I can sleep tonight when I get home at 1am..I feel run down.

  17. I'm at NMS Security Center ● Procter & Gamble (Oxnard, CA) http://t.co/67ZhP5q8

  18. I'm at Rice Ave Interchange ● 101 Freeway (Oxnard, CA) http://t.co/1rUhcMt7

  19. Sheriff @ Los Angeles Pierce College http://t.co/nkez6zdd

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