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Everything posted by bshaw100

  1. Yesterday I also received first LTE signal in Lincoln Park to, about a mile west of there - Altgeld and Marshfield. Had it much of the day though gone by evening and have not picked it up this morning - but considering how bad Sprint coverage historically has been in LP, this is very encouraging. Edit: Speak and am proven wrong - just looked at S3 - getting LTE again at the moment.
  2. Was on the 26th floor of 150 S. Wacker in the Loop today between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. - could not get a voice signal very well but picked up 4g for the first time in the city (live in Lincoln Park, have S3 and work in Loop.) Was in a meeting so did not check speed in any detailed way - but it seemed way faster than 3g. Now, back in my office about 1/2 mile to northeast and there is no signal.
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