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Posts posted by McDroidBurger


    Even though we have 4G in our title, all Sprint related posts are welcome. Heck, soon we will all be using 4G anyway, right? We also accept topics for things not related to Sprint, but interesting to those who use these pages.


    I appreciate your posts and it's good to have someone with your background around here. You are in a position to help guide our members and help set the record straight regarding subjects that you may understand better. Your insight is appreciated.


    Robert, S4GRU


    Posted via Forum Runner


    AND.....Free COOKIES!!!!!!


    Sent from my EVO 4G via Tapatalk

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    Where do they come up with this stuff??? Do they just make it up hoping to get people excited about Sprint and quickly run out and buy a new LTE phone when they arrive?




    Yeah it's insanely ridiculous to be frank. This is the exact kind of behavior that is getting Sprint in trouble. When they hire people to sell phones who know nothing about the devices or service it makes an entire company look bad. When I worked for Sprint I use to hate Best Buy because I was always having to correct the facts and fix accounts. Really sad to see stuff like this on the front lines for a company.


    Sent from my EVO 4G via Tapatalk


    For the size of the South Bend market, I think you will be quite happy about its location in deployment schedule. Stay tuned.


    We do get very nice 3G speeds but 1 WiMax tower was depressing. I'll take anything at this point lol. Still love this site. Had a Sprint employee try telling Sprint had three LTE towers in South Bend already they just weren't turned on. Needless to say I laughed.


    Sent from my EVO 4G via Tapatalk


    One issue I have encountered now a couple of times with folks (mostly on Verizon) is that they don't want to switch to WiFi because most of the WiFi connections they encounter are much slower than Verizon LTE. In our area, most businesses that offer WiFi have typical performance speeds between 300k and 3MB download. Whereas Verizon LTE in our area is a consistent 20MB+.


    So many consumers in this position will say, 'I just leave it on LTE because it's faster than WiFi.' However, I will follow up with them and ask, "what are you doing that requires the 20MB LTE speed over the Starbucks 2MB WiFi?"


    They usually say things like, posting a Facebook status, browsing an e-mail, reading the news, etc. I even had one say they were playing Angry Birds, and it ran better on LTE over WiFi. I almost died when I heard that one!


    Anyway, I try to educate folks in this position that it is in their interest to switch to WiFi, and that they actually will notice almost zero difference in performance between 2MB download speed and 20MB for 95% of what they do on their devices. Even Netflix works just fine at 2MB on a smartphone (actually even much slower). You are just being a spectrum hog and using up your allotment faster and unnecessarily.


    It's kind of like me with my kids and electricity usage (or wastage I should say). My power bill was $350 last month (about $100 higher than normal). I sat them all down and explained, 'hey, I don't care how much power YOU USE. Use as much as you want!' They were shocked. I then explained, the issue wasn't the amount of power they actively used, it's how much they waste. Electricity being consumed for no reason, no enjoyment or purpose. Lighting rooms (and garages) that are not in use. TV's left on, etc. If you use it, great, but don't waste it.


    Spectrum is the same way. If you have a use for that super fast LTE network for something that cannot be done on WiFi (or performance suffers), then great. Use the LTE network. But if you have a perfectly good WiFi signal that provides a connection that meets your needs for your use at the moment, then use that over the LTE. Don't be a spectrum waster, man! Just like it's been hit on above, people just need to be educated.


    So you mean LTE doesn't help Angry Birds run faster? :blink: Doh!! :lol:


    Sent from my EVO 4G via Tapatalk

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