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Posts posted by McDroidBurger


    I dunno if they lose if they continue this practice...DIRECTV already does this too to an extent as they have blocked their iPad app from working on jailbroken devices because they added live streaming functionality to it...


    Does googles rentals save the movie to your device somewhat or is it 100% streamed like netflix? If its the former I kinda understand as they might not want whatever files are saved to be hacked and messed with. If its the later then they have no excuse and should learn from netflix...though wonder if netflix pays a lil more to companies to be able to stream to unlocked devices and Google doesn't want to pay that extra fee bc they know their service can't compete with netflixs so not worth it...


    Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk


    You have the option to stream the video or download it for offline viewing.


    Sent from my Galaxy Tab 10.1 via tapatalk


    Not only funny, but I agree whole heartedly. I can watch Netflix on my rooted device. This is BS. I hope WebOS free source takes off.


    Posted via Forum Runner


    Yeah it is total BS if you ask me. I hope this doesn't start a trend of things to come.


    Sent from my Galaxy Tab 10.1 via tapatalk

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