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Conan Kudo

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Everything posted by Conan Kudo

  1. RT @keithboykin: The 17 states in which gay marriage is legal account for 204 of the 270 electoral votes needed to win the presidency. http…

  2. There are those who prefer to ignore that Sprint has been working to attack the same demographic that T-Mobile has successfully managed to capture. At this point, most of those subscribers (being young and generally poorly paid right now) aren't considered extremely valuable by the bigger three operators. The problem with that is that they are becoming an increasingly important portion of the subscriber base. The number of people that make up this portion increase almost daily, and they are poorly serviced by the larger operators. Both Sprint and T-Mobile try very hard to court these subscribers. Sprint tries to with Virgin Mobile and Boost Mobile, and T-Mobile does so with its main brand and its MetroPCS brand. The issue is, Sprint doesn't seem to be providing the value for the cost in many places these days, so these subscribers are leaving for T-Mobile (which is why the TMUS/Sprint porting ratio is ~3.5:1 in favor of T-Mobile). And waiting around isn't good enough either. Perhaps they'll come back if Sprint manages to execute on completing the development of Network Vision/Spark in time. For Sprint, this is a horrible outcome. The more subscribers that leave, the less money Sprint has to complete its deployment. SoftBank is not going to be willing to invest in Sprint if they can't keep the subscribers they have. It makes no business sense to dump money into a company that isn't executing to provide a reasonable ROI on that investment. So even though SoftBank owns Sprint and has oodles of cash, it won't give Sprint money if it can't prove it can execute. If that sounds familiar, I'll remind you of where that's from: T-Mobile USA's former situation with Deutsche Telekom. When T-Mobile USA started executing well and gaining subscribers last year, Deutsche Telekom increased the annual budget for network deployment and other growth initiatives for this year and next year. I wouldn't be surprised if Deutsche Telekom increases the budget again as T-Mobile's business plans continues to be very successful.
  3. In the 3.5 years I've directly done business with T-Mobile, I'm still not able to buy anything online or over the phone... >:(

  4. For the last few weeks, I've been marathoning @Psych_USA. It's awesome! Now if only there were Blu-Ray season sets to buy...

  5. RT @MaroonResearch: Camgian strikes deal with firms for new M2M solution | Mississippi Business Journal | http://t.co/2cN7pdYGYY

  6. Restore Net Neutrality By Directing the FCC to Classify Internet Providers as "Common Carriers". http://t.co/VI84THYXOi

  7. Oh God. How is it possible to get sicker today after spending yesterday trying to get over being sick!? Ugh...

  8. Damn. I can't read anything very well with my new glasses yet... Hopefully that will fix itself over time...

  9. RT @TMobile: Switch from the big three, trade-in your smartphone and @TMobile will pay your early termination fee. #unleash http://t.co/uLq…

  10. RT @TMobile: It's almost time to #unleash the wireless industry! Watch it happen live at 12:30pm today: http://t.co/IwoDetCmIf

  11. RT @TMobile: Wednesday. 12:30pm PT. Be here. #uncarrier4 #unleash

  12. Peaked out on downlink performance on my Metrocast cable connection, post speed upgrade: http://t.co/hSVrTPXCEV #speedtest

  13. RT @JohnLegere: #Randall – you gave us cash & spectrum AND we took your customers with #Uncarrier moves, do you really think you can buy th…

  14. I would think that it would actually be T-Mobile. I cannot count the number times T-Mobile has been forced to build out coverage after AT&T or Verizon bought out a roaming partner...
  15. My new Verizon hotspot doesn't allow the full range of UTF-8 characters for SSIDs and it doesn't allow whitespaces in passwords. I'm sad. :(

  16. RT @Pokemon: RT if you watched Pokémon: The First Movie in theaters! #Pokemon http://t.co/96jBf7A3l2

  17. My visual focus is still slightly shot. Guh. Hopefully it'll be fine tomorrow.

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