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    Galaxy S3 AOSP
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    4G Information

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Member Level: Analog

Member Level: Analog (3/12)



  1. This area is miserable. I was at that LA Fitness during the day on the 14th and was able to stream google music, first time ever in that area. Weekday congestion a big thing over there? Funny at southfield/12 speeds are 25mbps+ and band 41. Greenfield and 12 they're back to 0.0x mbps.
  2. B41 in Southfield... At Southfield and 12 mile. Download speeds in the 20s over the weekend. Rest of area (particularly just east of here still not on b41 and still deadspots and crawling data all over greenfield.
  3. Yes - I dealt with this while I first had Sprint in Chicago. Inner city was actually not terrible (mild to moderate issues... Still better than my previous carrier AT&T), but my family reported significant issues in the suburbs. It was all eventually resolved with great LTE speeds in both locations. Never did any of us have as significant of problems as I had here in eastern Michigan though.
  4. Metro Detroit here. Just had months of dropped calls, unable to dial, unable to send/receive texts. Some improvement over the last couple weeks, but my experience has left me with little hope for Sprint. I was told 15+ estimated dates of repair, countless tickets that would just replace each other. Service was so bad that I've been released from my contract. Of all the techs I talked to, none gave me any solid hope for significant LTE progression in-between metro detroit city centers. Bummer - service in Chicago was great before I moved.
  5. Anyone know about the tower at Royal Ave and 11 mi road in Southfield? I don't see it on the NV interactive maps, but I know the tower's there based on sprint's maps. Thanks, I'm moving to the area in about a month and will help out with some mapping when I arrive.
  6. Looks like tower at 2700 Sheffield (Near diversey) got turned on. Got 30 down at Schubert and Sheffield. My apartment nearby now sees ~10 down.
  7. Yeah I pick it up if I head a bit west by you. Definitely not the tower by us on sheffield though, you're probably just in reach of the one up on clark or somewhere else.
  8. Returned to my apartment in the city tonight. I live ~200m from a 4g site that is posted on the maps (Near Diversey brown line). Have seen 2.5mbps max, and the far side of my house can't even pick up the 4g. This is significantly worse than wimax, but I'm almost directly next to the tower. Phone service does seem better here than in western suburbs, at least. Anyone else in this Chicago area? Edit: Signal is -115 and I'm 200m away with virtually a clear line of sight. Tower at 2775 N Sheffield must not be turned on yet, although it appears on maps.
  9. Well 4g still working well in Winfield but terrible call quality along multiple phones. May try an older radio to see if that helps, but its hard to understand/ be understood and I doubt this will make any difference.
  10. This is what Sprint's maps shows. I guess apps have always lied to me. I'm definitely closest to the hospital but it could be the one on north giving me 4g. Which direction are you from the hospital? Even with the weather today I'm getting over 10mb, there's definitely some coverage to the north.
  11. Winfield and Oakwood. I think the tower itself is at Geneva and County Farm. Using testmy.net, which is supposed to be more accurate than the speedtest app, I got 29.8. Gone through about 2gb of data today, whoops. Might've even come on yesterday, I had my lte off and was shocked to see it connect today while I was fiddling around.
  12. 4g now works in Winfield, just noticed today. Seems to work along Winfield road just north of the hospital and near the hospital itself. ~20mb/sec Still having problems receiving phone calls though. I'm on a CM10, might have to mess with radios.
  13. I live right by Diversey stop, and am almost always on the tower that covers part of Wrigley. You're right... speeds here are usually unbearable but improving recently. They're especially worst Thurs-Sun at night. Tonight I'm actually able to stream from Google Music. Amazing.
  14. Looks like that might've been what happened. I occasionally get a gimpse of a different tower. If I stay on the same tower and switch from evdo to eHRPD should I be able to avoid congestion and see increased speeds?
  15. Ehrpd came back on in Lincoln Park area last night after not seeing it for awhile. However, I was getting 0.06/0.03 on it. Switching to just evdo brought me to 1.42/0.28 instantly.
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