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Everything posted by cmdr_keen

  1. At the risk of sounding like the boy who cried wolf, I think Sprint has finally lit up the tower at Akers and 198 in Visalia with LTE. I thought they were working on them last January, but as Oedipus pointed out, Sprint's towers were second from the bottom. I've seen a sky trak there the last couple weeks, and I can confirm that there are new panels on that rack, and today I am on 4G. I took some Sensorly tracks and speed tests. It's certainly not Spark but still better than 3G.
  2. Well, between the sadly dark cities of Bakersfield and Fresno, it looks like there may be more progress in Visalia. Spotted a lift in Cigna's parking lot today on Akers & Tulare, working on the North tower this time which should be the Sprint site, although I'm not sure which radios are Sprint's. full size: http://imgur.com/prWmNrZ
  3. I can confirm this, I was driving by there today and after your post decided to fire up sensorly: My signal strength wasn't great so I'm not sure if I could get faster speeds closer to the tower, but the speeds still beat 3G.
  4. Bummer, I wasn't sure which tower had the sprint radios. Here is a close up of the North tower: Sprint or not, it looks like the panels are up today, and they are noticeably larger that the previous ones: Hopefully we'll see Sprint follow suit soon!
  5. There has been activity on the South tower behind CVC's track (Akers & Tulare) in Visalia the last 2 days: Here's a photo from October of what the tower looked like before the work began: I see new radios that look like they might be going up here: Hopefully this is a good sign!
  6. I was visiting friends in Pixley yesterday and pulled similarly awesome results: http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/a/657807884 28Mbps down? Yes please!
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