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Everything posted by lordsutch

  1. RT @tofias: Apparently, @dandrezner is right and @mattyglesias is in fact “wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong” http://t.…

  2. RT @matt_blackwell: "Each item receives an initial grade of x, then the actual grade is y=x exp(-d/8), where d is the number of days after …

  3. I guess the silver lining is that next year, presumably the top seeds will shake off the rust in the semifinal. Right?

  4. RT @CassadeePope: I officially have a top 10 country single! Thanks country radio for the support behind #WastingAllTheseTears & to the fan…

  5. RT @Perspective_pic: Sorry but this without a doubt the greatest thing ever seen on an air duct http://t.co/Om5qq4HLBu

  6. RT @jbarro: Arguments against GMOs are basically the same as arguments against sodomy: "IT'S NOT NATURAL" plus a bunch of pseudoscience.

  7. RT @venturejessica: Why social science is awesome and people should stop hating on it. http://t.co/fT9WcmMeER

  8. RT @dandrezner: Let's face it, this is the outcome the NFC East deserved this season.

  9. RT @OleMissFB: Donte Moncrief has decided to enter the 2014 NFL Draft. We look forward to seeing him shine at the next level. http://t.co/g…

  10. RT @the506: Has Andy Reid ever met Les Miles?

  11. RT @YahooForde: RT @slmandel With Vandy win SEC clinches best BCS conference bowl record (again). Now 7-2. Pac-12: 6-3. Big 12: 3-3. ACC: 4…

  12. Registered indicates whether or not the site is the one you are currently connected to; unlike 1X, you can only be registered on one LTE site at a time. Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
  13. RT @OliverKamm: "One gasps at the megalomania & delusion in Snowden's statements." @fmkaplan excellent on man who merits no clemency. http:…

  14. RT @EricIGN: Community: @danharmon explains how they pulled off that big surprise cameo in the Season 5 premiere http://t.co/F4AWt6PDFB #co

  15. RT @CatawbaPolitics: What in the world is the American conference?

  16. RT @reihan: To @adamserwer's great credit, he acknowledges that there is a spectrum of post-criminalization policies. And status quo is int…

  17. RT @vpostrel: .@asymmetricinfo is right to a point but academia need not be such a tournament if long-term contracts were the norm http://t…

  18. RT @TheAlexKnapp: If a photo meme has a typo, you don't just share it. You go into Photoshop and correct it first. #ThisIsntNamThereAreRules

  19. RT @williamadler78: And this is why Twitter was created: @Stoned_eBrooks

  20. RT @ntroeste: My wife and I are both confused by the insistence of everyone on Top Chef that John Besh is a good-looking man.

  21. RT @AnnaKendrick47: In first grade when I'd tell my parents what I learned in class and they'd act amazed, I'd think "Shouldn't you know th…


  23. Honestly, all of America is completely sick and tired of hearing your song, Sara Bareilles. #Microsoft #DIAF

  24. RT @scalawag: The Stanfurd band: celebrating 40 years of making a case against unconditional parental love

  25. RT @ClayTravisBGID: Wouldn't be Les Miles without incompetent clock management to end the game.

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