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  • Phones/Devices
    Sprint - Note 3 (Black)
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    4G Information
  • Favorite Quotation
    “One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane.”
    -Nikola Tesla
  • Interests
    Electric Wireless

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  1. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2091558&page=3 This is a link to some really detailed instructions on a specific example of why you would "need" to manually modify your PRL. Goto page 1 of that forum for the background and history. I did the exact mod and had limited success, goto page 3 for my mod. The more popular reason for PRL mods is to force your phone to roam when it probly shouldn't. These types of mods are not necessarily compatible with your terms of service thats tied to your contract. So do some reading before jumping into the PRL stuff. On a related note, i've actually forced my PRL to blacklist a new SID/NID combination that was offering 800mhz service in boise. My phone always perfers this band but i cannot transmit anything on it, when i make a call sometimes it goes through but if I start talking it will drop the call. The note 3 seems to have a great receive antenna but not the best for transmit. After blacklisting the 800mhz NID my phone hooks correctly to the airave FEMTOCELL device so i'm happy again. -peacep
  2. Yep my phone is now connecting to 800Mhz - SID:22408 NID:237. Off curtis and overland in Boise, ID. Channel 476. Most would think this is good news, but now my phone refuses to connect to my Airave Airvana femtocell device. When on the 800Mhz band my phone recieves about -85 dBm, which isn't horrible, but as soon as I press a button (touch tone during call) or start talking the call is lost. Its like the transmit is WAY weaker than the recieve ability on the Note 3. I tried to give priority to my airave SID and NID, as per some instructions I've found on this site. But the only way to force my Note 3 to connect to the airave is to actually BLACKLIST the new 800Mhz sid/nid combination. Anyone have any ideas on how to give preference to the airave? I tried this method, substituting my Airave SID / NID for the ones given in the article. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2091558 I would like to still be able to use the specific SID/NID when i'm outside my home. But the current method no longer works. Its like the 800Mhz channel 476 gets preference regardless of PRL, unless its completely blacklisted in the PRL.
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