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    iPod touch with clear hotspot
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  1. I meant to day throttled service not capped service. For me 3-6 Mbps would work. You might need something faster. Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
  2. Wireless is not for everyone. The big advantage for me is I can use a portable hotspot at home and on the go and I don't have to have two separate modems or internet bills. That saves me a lot of money. What works for me might not work for you If you are a heavy user. That's why some sort of tiered service seems like a good idea. Some price per GB could work. But not $10 per GB like it is now. That's just not affordable for the average user. If you want capped service then that should be at a cheaper rate. If you need higher speed you should pay more. The actual numbers are debateable but somewhere in the range of $20-$100 per month depending on usage. Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
  3. Even in my highest month of streaming I never went over 92 GB of data. And I usually average between 20-50 GB. I don't know what is the average for a home user but a I think 100 GB cap is reasonable. And I don't know anybody who really needs anything faster than 3-6 Mbps. Maybe for gamers. I used to stream movies on DSL at 1Mbps. If you could get all that for $50 a month for home/mobile service I think it would be sustainable and marketable. At least for the near future. The distinction between home use and mobile is quickly going away. People use laptops and tablets on the go as well as at home. Mobile is the wave of the future. Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
  4. I would support a pay per use type of business model. Similar to what I do with my voice service. I pay ten cents a minute on my phone on a prepaid plan. But let's be realistic. $10 per GB as it is now is very pricey. I would propose maybe $1 per GB and you can use as little or as much data as you want to pay for. And if they wanted to throttle it down to 3-6 Mbps for streaming I could live with that. Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
  5. I think there is a different perspective depending on whether you are a smartphone user or if you use the network for home service as well as mobile. Smartphone users want the speed that LTE provides. And can live with caps on data. Home users want decent speed but unlimited data for the things you need at home like streaming. It was possible to do both on Clear but that is history. I seem to recall hearing about a pilot project involving Dish Network and Sprint where they are installing high power home modems that use the LTE wireless network. Maybe that would be an alternative for home users. And some badly needed competition for the cable companies. Maybe it's just not possible for smartphone users and home users to play in the same sandbox. But I keep hoping. Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
  6. I am curious where you are seeing any offerings for unlimited data on the Sprint LTE network. Maybe you are looking at some phone plans. I use the network with a mobile hotspot. I see three plans ranging from 12 GB to 3GB for mobile broadband. Prices range from $80 to $35 a month. Right now I use the Clear WiMAX network for $55 a month for two devices. A home modem and a mobile hotspot. So I don't need a data plan for mobile. And I get unlimited data. No caps or throttling. I would love to find a similar deal when WiMAX is decommissioned and I lose my Clear account. If you know anywhere I can get truly unlimited, unthrottled and uncapped data on a wireless network i'd be all for it! Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
  7. All you folks clammering for LTE out there just remember that with LTE comes caps. Say goodbye to unlimited data. Clear WiMAX is the only network out there that provides truly unlimited data at a reasonable speed. No caps and no throttling. Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
  8. Clear provides sufficient bandwidth at a reasonable rate of speed to service both home and mobile users. They did it four years ago and they are still doing it today. The proof is in the pudding. It's a matter of perspective. The mobile users see the home users as a nuisance "siphoning off bandwidth" from people with smartphones. It could be seen also from the other perspective. Home users could say those mobile users with their iPhones want to hog all the bandwidth. Can't we all just get along in the same network spectrum? It is well suited for both types of usage. The big money may be is selling capped service to smartphone users at fifty bucks a pop for 5 GB of data. But the heavy demand will continue to be in home use. How much more data does a smartphone user need really? And how fast is fast enough? I'm getting 5 Mbps down and 1 Mbps up now on my iPod touch and a bit faster on my home modem. Sprint was forced to dump Wimax cause it wasn't fast enough compared to LTE. But it was certainly fast enough for the needs of any home or mobile user. It's a fickle marketplace. The consumer buys what the advertisers say they need. Sprint is a phone company first and foremost. They have acquired Clear outright and will no doubt leave the home customers high and dry and use that spectrum to service their preferred and most profitable customers. Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
  9. As far as bandwidth hog, his name says it all. He's the guy who averages 329 GB a month right? You are always gonna have some people who abuse the privilege. And as I recall, he lived somewhere remote so maybe his tower could sustain that kind of abuse. The one month I used 92 GB, I was sick in bed and streamed several seasons of Breaking Bad while I was recovering. But you'd have to do a lot of streaming to exceed 100 GB. That would be a reasonable limit. After that I can see paying more. Even the cable company has a limit of 300 GB according to some people here. But 5 GB is not a reasonable limit. And $10 per GB is highway robbery. So long as the telcos get away with it they will continue marketing this way. Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
  10. Thanks for your comments. You are right. Clear's coverage is spotty in some areas. My experience was in Atlanta, Kansas City and now here in the Philadelphia area. All big cities. But I live 20 miles outside of Philly. In Wilmington, DE. And Clear has good coverage here. So it depends on where you live. But all the places I go, Clear is there. If Clear had the go ahead to continue building out their network, their coverage would have only gotten better. I don't see the need to convert to LTE. I don't see it as all that different than WiMAX. ATT and Verizon made a big marketing push for LTE and the customers bought it. Now they have to live with the caps and limited bandwidth that seems to be inherent in the technology. The money that was spent replacing Wimax with LTE could have been spent on building out the WiMAX network. Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
  11. As I read the comments here it seems there are a lot of mobile users hungry for a better mobile broadband experience than they have had in the past with either 3G or now with 4G. They have been capped and throttled to death. And I have friends who pay $70-120 for a single smartphone and have several such phones in their family. And then in turn pay for home Internet and cable TV on top if that. It's outrageous what some people pay to get connected. In my market, 20 miles outside of Philadelphia, Comcast has a stronghold. You can get Comcast and that's about it. Most people have not had a positive experience with cable companies. Until recently, Clear offered consumers an alternative. And I paid one bill of $55 a month for both home and mobile internet. And that's it. No caps. Just wireless internet. Everywhere I go. No data plans. If I visit another city I take my iPod touch and my hotspot and I have service wherever I go. I can see why Clear customers are wary of going back to capped service. It's a giant step backwards. And it's not what they signed up for. Unlimited wireless 4g Internet is sustainable for both home and mobile use. And it's a healthy alternative and competition to the cable companies. Let's hope it continues to be available in the future. As LTE. As Wimax. Whatever the marketplace will offer. Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
  12. "Ask not what your network can do for you-- ask what you can do for your network!" Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
  13. The Clear Wimax Network was setup and marketed primarily as a home service network. While at the same time selling mobile hotspot service. As well as being the 4G data network for Sprint mobile phone customers and MVNOs. And it delivered on that promise. Truly unlimited service. So it has been proven that the bandwidth is there to deliver both the kind of heavy usage required for home service as well as the unique demands of mobile users. 4G WiMAX can provide competition to the home cable and DSL providers as well as in the mobile market. I'm sure LTE has similar technical capability. 4G capping and throttling is a holdover from the old 3G technology and the service providers do it cause they know they can get away with it. Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
  14. Can you explain? What is a protection site? I am a Clear user. Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
  15. I was an early adopter of the Clear Wimax network. I use it for my home ISP as well as for mobile internet. I use a Clear hotspot with my IPod Touch and avoid paying extra for a mobile data plan. I was thrilled to find a wireless ISP to provide me with fast internet service for both home and mobile use. I have both a home modem and a mobile hotspot- two devices and I pay only $55 a month. And the best part is this is truly unlimited service. I use Netflix at home and I have streamed as much as 90 GB of data per month with no throttling. When I heard they were phasing out WiMAX in favor of LTE I accepted it as the will of the market place. But now as I shop around in light of Clear being sold, I see that LTE 4G is being marketed much the same as 3G. With all the caps and throttling that plagued 3G service. LTE may be a superior technology to Wimax. That has yet to be proven. But the marketing practices of the big telecoms is business as usual. The going rate for mobile hotspot service seems to be $50 for 5 GB. About the same as 3G only faster. With more sparse coverage. Is this progress? Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
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