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Everything posted by deejal01

  1. Correct. But Sprint was always in the home, too, I had sprint home service and internet. The wireless back then, I believe, was called Centel.
  2. Yeah, I know. I should have known better. I just searched through the forum and see Cincinnati scattered throughout. I see a few others share my frustration. WiMax would be sufficient in the area if devices could hold the 4G signal long enough. However, I am going to stay tuned to this forum and read much more tomorrow...otherwise...before I know it...it will be 6AM as i read everything.
  3. I meant upgrading to a new phone, not the LTE rollout. It is in the consumer's best interest to be patient for LTE rollout in Cincinnati prior to purchasing an LTE phone. Many of us paid the $10 monthly premium data fee for several months prior to 4G being active. From what I have gathered, the Sprint stores either: A. Create facts to placate the customer standing in front of them B. Speculate just a tad bit too much regarding LTE in Cincinnati. C. Their are placards in the Sprint stores that say, "LTE COMING SOON" at every one of the LTE compatible devices. A 20 year Sprint PCS customer here.... and in the IT field. I understand things take time to be developed, be tweaked, and tweaked some more, and a little more...etc. But with Sprint store customer service reps gesturing and talking that LTE is just right around the corner for Cincinnati... and then stumble upon this forum... I am sure you can understand how mismatched information can be construed as, "is it coming, or not coming soon?
  4. I might have jumped the gun because I stumbled upon this forum and have not read everything. The lists I have read did not include Cincinnati, only Cleveland. Also, I am basing my information from what I was told today at the Sprint store.
  5. I am saddened to see that Southwest Ohio, Cincinnati, is not included anywhere on any list. It is so disheartening to constantly see Cincinnati placed dead last by Sprint when it comes to network upgrades. Recently, I know Sprint did major updates to the 3G service and signal reception has greatly improved. however, I have reported the same place/area known for dropped for calls twice a year for the past 9 years and i always receive the same report, "everything is working fine." Clearly i welcome the updates to the 3G service, which, btw, are abysmal to run the iPhone 4S, but with horrible 4G coverage in Cincinnati and overly taxed 3G service i the area, speeds are pathetic. I was considering upgrading toe Samsung galaxy S III with LTE but why bother upgrading when 4G is mediocre at best and it appears that Cincinnati will never receive LTE service according to the threads I have read.
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