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Everything posted by Msalerno93

  1. Was just in French camp and pulled up the field test screen. Did stockton French camp finally launch?
  2. And it's a bit pathetic that the nearest sprint tower can be seen right out my front door and yet I roam in my house. -.-
  3. I'll donate later and it doesn't surprise me that they (customer service reps) don't even know. But what did surprise me is they blatantly offer the airave. I've asked for one before but they weren't too keen on sending one without me having to pay for it. Maybe they got the message when I put an enterprise prl on the family's phones so we could use Verizon's 3G network and started incurring a massive amount of roaming minuets and data.
  4. I'm getting kind of nervous that LTE service might not be conning to lathrop in the near foreseeable future. Lately I've been roaming constantly roaming in my house, which I thought was a good sign. Then I decided to call sprint and follow up about it and was told, "we do not have a date when lte services could be up but we will send you an airave for the time being". Doesn't sound so promising now does it?
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