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Member Level: Analog (3/12)



  1. I am on the 4th floor of a building right across from City Hall, and I rarely get a 3G signal even sitting next to a window. People do not use 3G at home as they usually have wifi, but it is different in downtown. Sprint knows about it, but doesn't seem to care. The old WIMAX signal is a whole lot stronger, but you can't leave the window. I wouldn't mind 3G even if it were in the .5 mbps range, but that is just a dream.
  2. Is it that bad that no one wants to talk about Fresno getting Sprint LTE? Hell, Redding is getting it and that is kind of like a punch in the gut for us Fresno residents. Hell, I can't even get 3G in downtown.
  3. Thinks about it, how long does it take to upgrade a cell tower? Hell, 3G sucks and it has been on for years. My guess is that you will only be able to connect to LTE if you are standing under a tower, or you tether off your friend's other carrier phone.
  4. How about that, I just point out that Sprint has treated Fresno like a stepchild, and I get trashed for saying so. LTE will not be coming to Fresno anytime soon, so keep dreaming. I gots Wimax, and yes, there is just one tower available. Says much about Sprint.
  5. A co-worker was showing me his Verizon activated tablet today, and it was BLAZING FAST. I just admired it, and felt sorry I stick with Sprint.
  6. My guess is that it is months, maybe even a year away. How many of you have even gotten Wimax here in Fresno?
  7. What the heck Sprint! http://newsroom.sprint.com/news-releases/4glte-launchedmarkets.htm I guess they never heard of Fresno, CA.
  8. Actually my comment was a bit of humor. With a year and eight months left for WiMax, I am hoping LTE comes on line here in Fresno before then. My EVO 4G was bought the day it came out, and other than the USB port not working, it runs great. I am able to get that WiMax signal where I work and it is just fine. I can't believe how many other areas in the Central Valley have WiMax, and when I go out for business, it seems I always get 4G unlike Fresno. http://www.pocketables.com/2014/04/sprint-decomission-wimax-towers-end-next-year.html
  9. Talking about subcontractors, I hope they are not pushing them to go around safety: http://www.propublica.org/article/feds-to-look-harder-at-cell-carriers-when-tower-climbers-die
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