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Posts posted by mhammett

  1. unless you are using your Sprint number as your GV number. there is a known problem. Google has a warning for Sprint users on their own website.

    That is what I have been doing since you were able to integrate your Sprint number with Google Voice and it has always worked for me. No issues to report at all.
  2. Amendment of Part 15 of the Commission’s Rules 
    for Unlicensed Operations in the Television Bands,
    Repurposed 600 MHz Band, 600 MHz Guard 
    Bands and Duplex Gap, and Channel 37, and


    Amendment of Part 74 of the Commission’s Rules 
    for Low Power Auxiliary Stations in the 
    Repurposed 600 MHz Band and 600 MHz Duplex 


    Expanding the Economic and Innovation 
    Opportunities of Spectrum Through Incentive 







    • Like 1
  3. Thanks, I knew about broadbandmap.gov and it lists AT&T and Charter but neither actually serve the address with internet. I may have found something with the WISPA site though, will have to reach out to them and see if they indeed do cover the location.

    Make sure you reach out to the WISP and not WISPA (the trade association). On broadbandmap try clicking around your area to see what other WISPs may be around.
    • Like 1
  4. I know that speeds are just one metric. Coverage is another. So if you're second in speed, but have better coverage and reliability, then it's possible to come out on top. And Sprint did just squeak out VZW in total data performance.


    I wonder if Sprint is on the DAS at O'Hare?


    Robert via Nexus 5 using Tapatalk


    I thought I've seen separate data performance and data reliability?  *shrugs*

  5. Sprint has had the equipment in place for a long time. The internet providers have been screwing Sprint over by not delivering fiber on time. Not much Sprint can do about it.


    So, it's not "'Bout time Sprint"


    It's, "'Bout time CenturyLink!"


    Sent from my Nexus 5

    I'm not sure where all this CenturyLink backhaul is. Their native footprint is very small in this market. I know that's what the docs say, but consider me skeptical.
  6. I an bailing out this Sprint Google Voice and Hangouts intergration. Many people have reported that they are receiving any where from 5-10 duplicated messages.


    Here is what I speculate.... There is a serious bug when you send a GV/hangouts SMS.... every session of Google thatv you have logged in.. Sends out a text message. Any browser and smartphone.. recognizes you send and SMS.... and sends SMS out.. Hangouts can't determine that the SMS has been sent already.


    That is just my educated guess.. because every Hangouts session I have logged it... that is how many SMS messages the other party gets.


    I will switch back to my old setup again...

    Latest Hangouts and GV. Sprint integrated. Two phones, one iPad, dozens of browsers. No duplicates.
  7. The Samsung promotion says any working phone worth $10 or more. Does it matter if it has been rooted or is running a custom ROM? Does Sprint buyback program care?


    Also, will the Sprint Note 4 support wireless charging? Now that I've used it, wireless charging is a must have for me.

    USB ports and cables are fragile. I'm tired of replacing them as my phone ape most of its life on the charger.
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