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Everything posted by Mrevoir

  1. Well being a customer for 12 years is a reason. Up until recently I was very satisfied with the product I received. Unlike you, I have the expectation that my cell completes calls.
  2. Everyone who doesn't live in ohio is happy that they don't live in ohio. WHEN it's fixed I'm sure it's awesome, but in the meantime I should only be charged for what I receive.
  3. Probably. It's still irritating knowing that you're paying 100% of the bill for 30% of the service. They wouldn't be so forgiving if you told them you were only going to be paying 30% for the next six months so bear with me through it.
  4. I've noticed I'm no longer dropping calls between Fenton and flint. Internet still sucks hardcore and haven't seen lte in Fenton at all.
  5. I work at flint metal fab on the corner of I 75 and Bristol rd in flint. They turned on lte on march 14, I was getting 20 down and 8 up. The past month has been horrible though, with my phone still reading lte it's mostly flat lined. I'm lucky to get 0.3 mbs down and usually 0.13 up. What's the story?
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