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Status Updates posted by EmeraldReporter

  1. RT @MrLTavern: Picking a VP before acquiring the nom & then dropping out of the race a week later isn't Reagan. It's mashugana. https://t.c…

  2. RT @PamelaGeller: President Obama: "The future does not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam." #CheckYourLies https://t.co/9NRj…

  3. RT @youzoob: Is @realDonaldTrump a conservative @anncoulter? "We're abt 2 lose our country. I don't care abt conservatism. I care abt savi…

  4. RT @MrLTavern: Who picks a VP & then gets out the next week? Cruz's campaign proved to be a "lets throw shit on a wall to see if it sticks"…

  5. RT @MrLTavern: What is out of context about "we're gonna put a lot of coal miners & coal plants out of business"? #Hillary #WestVirginia

  6. RT @akaethos: @EmeraldReporter @IMMRJ last Sunday of May at the upstairs in belltown.

  7. RT @notaxation: I can see mainstream games media skewing liberal. But it's pretty much completely liberal. And that's strange to me. It's a…

  8. RT @AnnCoulter: I'm coming up on Howie Carr -- who is now the proud spouse of a Trump delegate!

  9. RT @sprint: We're on a mission to show America that we're more reliable than ever. https://t.co/T50qDRttOY

  10. RT @MrLTavern: When Cruz tries to falsely accuse Trump of inciting violence, he sounds a lot like Hillary speaking at NAACP.

  11. RT @MrLTavern: Weather Channel in agreement w/ Sarah Palin declaring that Bill Nye is not a scientist. https://t.co/heGuOiTtBV

  12. RT @France24_en: Germany's right-wing AfD to adopt anti-Islam manifesto https://t.co/uAwBiy1GwR

  13. RT @swagbymilo: SWAG by MiloSWAG bySWAGSWSFFeminiFeminisFeminism iFeminism is cancer

  14. RT @Mooch1978: Talking new consoles! The CrossFire Podcast:PAX EAST Review,Gear Gauntlet, NEXT Xbox,VR Fad or... https://t.co/FW90uSKsho vi…

  15. RT @AnnCoulter: When I see these violent "protesters," it makes me not only value the 1st amendment, but also the 2d.

  16. RT @KirstenPowers: My column today---Carly Fiorina doth protest too much https://t.co/udAXODrPjZ via @USATODAY @USATOpinion

  17. RT @9to5Google: Google's plan to cure short-sightedness: replace your eye's lens with a computerized one https://t.co/6EbqqiYBXn https://t.…

  18. RT @MrLTavern: Suicide rate among white men & women spiked & idiots want to argue over where LGBTs piss. https://t.co/F8g0Pppasn

  19. RT @MrLTavern: Funny how the political punditry keeps saying "Acela primary" like every one in American actually knows what the f*** it mea…

  20. RT @MrLTavern: Cruzers of the Corn want you to see Trump's past in purely black & white but any transgression of Cruz you must only see the…

  21. RT @MrLTavern: Ted wont be the nom & Carly wont be VP but one has to ask why Mr Conservative picked a person w/such a shitty record https:/…

  22. RT @AnnCoulter: Listening to Cruz always makes me feel like I have Asperger's. He speaks so slowly, my mind wanders between words. https://…

  23. RT @kevinscholla: Ted Cruz picking a running mate is like the Phillies picking a Game 1 starter for the World Series. What a weirdo. #MakeA

  24. RT @MrLTavern: Oh I see now. This was psycho talker Glenn Beck's idea. https://t.co/QHtzcsc1fY

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