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Posts posted by WealthyHabitz

  1. On 3G, this is a common problem with the band aid improvements (the ones shown at network.sprint.com). If you think about it, what happens when a 3G site bogs down and becomes unusable? People stop using it.


    So, when a legacy site gets a temporary backhaul upgrade, the speeds go way up. Over 2Mbps in some instances. Everyone becomes happy again. And then people start using it again.


    In fact, it works so well, so much better than ever that people use it more than ever before, once they realize the 3G is performing well again. People start streaming Netflix and Pandora, and they all are happy. More and more people realize and start using it. And then the speeds start going down again. Below 1Mbps. Then below 500kbps, and sometimes below 100kpbs...all over again.


    The reason why is one of two reasons, and possibly both in many instances. Number one...now with extra usage that is occurring, the site now also needs an additional EVDO carrier. All the extra traffic now has drowned out the existing carrier load. Number two...the additional backhaul is insufficient for the new amount of traffic that is occurring at the site now that people are now using it again at much greater amounts than ever before.


    As for the backhaul, there is no permanent solution until Network Vision comes with permanent upgraded backhaul. If they add another T1 line, it will likely get swamped too. As for additional carriers, they probably can add those. Calling Sprint and opening a ticket can get them to add more carriers in the long run.


    However, 300k-600k speeds are near the normal Sprint posted speeds for 3G. Which if memory serves is 400k-1Mbps.




    I remember when sprint's quoted speeds were 600k - 1.4 Mbps ...

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