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Posts posted by WealthyHabitz

  1. The people that I went with have Verizon, and the LTE was unusable in/near the Disney parks, especially the Magic Kingdom. I did a speedtest on one of thier handsets and it pulled 0.10 / 0.05 Mbps! Switched all of them over to the 3G and it worked great with 0.80 / 0.75 Mbps. As for the places that I got Sprint LTE, it worked very well, with most tests averaging above 6 Mpbs down. 3G, forget about it.


    Great day to be a Sprint customer lol


    Sent from my Evo 4G LTE using Tapatalk 4 beta



  2. I'm going to assume this means work still continues, but 1xRTT for a data connection is agonizing. (Sandlake Rd/International Dr) I believe we are well into one month of progress, and I hope ro see improvements soon.




    Sent via my Samsung Note II using Tapatalk.





    That seems to have gone away in Ocoee, but sadly I think Andrea is slowing progress towards LTE.




    Sent from my Galaxy S3





    1X seems to be the precursor to lte upgrades, or at least from what I've seen in my usage. mileage may vary.


    Sent from my Evo 4G LTE using Tapatalk 4 beta





    I am getting a fairly consistent 4g beachside Daytona at my house, but my office is in south Port Orange (along US1) and the data connection is almost non-existent even in 3g. Voice signal is around 1 bar, and often goes to "roaming" outside. Inside the office the phone is a paperweight. I have to recharge 3 times during the day. 3-4 months is a LONG time!!


    I also frequent the Disney Parks. I consistently find the towers overloaded for data. I have a good signal (varies between 4g and 3g) but the data just doesn't flow.


    It's a little frustrating, and at times I regret I had to leave Verizon. Then I remember the $100 a month I'm saving and figure I can wait it out.



    I used to attend FWC along US1 there, They had the same problem and since the congregation had a lot of sprint users(including staff) someone gave them a second airave they had. Roaming was also bad(I thought verizon had great density?) So I really doubt verizon would be any better on that signal vampire section of US1..


    Edit: No signal or roaming inside the building? You are aware verizon provides most of the roaming here right?

    I've always been confused about the roaming here. Verizon does the roaming or are we using a cheaper no name Telco for roaming? I mean I understand lack of 3G roaming is only a prl change but the partner in the Orlando market I thought was someone other than Verizon?

    Don't quote me on it, can't even remember my source on that.


    Sent from my Evo 4G LTE using Tapatalk 4 beta



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