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Posts posted by dguidry12

  1. The article explained it very clearly. Sprint will be 40 percent complete for lte at launch in Houston. Every week they will complete more towers after the initial launch. Lte will eventually cover the entire 3g network with better signal. 3g will also speed up with nv Sprint will be 100 percent in this cityearly 2013 but coverage should be fantastic before that unless you are in a really unlucky location.


    If att works for you go to them. We are not Sprint reps


    No need for the sarcasm my friend as this was an honest question..I really want to stay with Sprint but I need to make a choice pretty quickly. In order to stay with Sprint I need an LTE phone and to do that I would have to pay 165 to reset my upgrade eligibility which is non refundable if I do so. So in order to save face thats why I am asking the question. Also do you know the radius of coverage one tower has to your device? How do I find out the exact lte tower location in relation to where I live?

  2. Currently I am trying out ATT and their speeds rock but I really don't like the fact of checking my data every 3 days. The reason im trying it out is because Sprint is pathetic in the Houston area averaging 35kbps. So can someone help me to understand whats going on in Houston before I cancel? I understand that July 15th is the light up date but what does this mean? Will the coverage be as good as current 3g coverage (not speeds mind you) or as bad and spotty like Wimax? With Wimax you can literally get 4 bars and walk 60 yards and lose total signal. How much better is LTE as far as radius coverage? Thanks folks for any help.

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